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Drs. Cirka, Jeon & Ridge
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    Philly Dentistry

    Category: Zoom Whitening

    December 17, 2021
    3 years ago

    Looking for a new job can be one of the most stressful journeys. With unemployment at a high, still suffering from the effects of COVID-19, there has been a surplus of people job seeking. You need to make a killer resume, write a cover letter that expresses your interest in the position and keep your eyes peeled for new listings. That’s before you even get a job interview too. We’re exhausted thinking about it!

    Stressed for job interview?

    Once you finally hear back from an employer, you need to prep for the interview. The interview process can be nerve-wracking for many. Statistically speaking, you only have 7 seconds to make a good first impression. Your potential employer will make an assumption about you as soon as you walk into the room. Therefore, you want to make sure you make it a good one. Don’t worry though, here at Philly Dentistry, we’ve cracked the code that will help you land your dream job.

    Smile at your interview.

    Smiling gives you confidence! Walk into that room with a warm smile on your face. We promise that it will set the tone for the interview. Smiles are contagious so, if you put out that energy, your potential employer will inevitably start smiling too. Don’t be a part of the 39% of the candidates that get rejected due to low confidence level and lack of smile.

    Let’s make it happen.

    Do you feel like your smile needs some work? Give us a call. Whether you just want a cleaning to feel fresh, a whitening to brighten your teeth, or a smile makeover, our staff and doctors at Philly Dentistry can bring all of your smile goals to life.

    The Philly Dentistry Team is ready for you to land the job!

    Our patient got a job!

    Our new patient, Joshua K., found us on social media and knew that he needed to be our patient! In this video, he talks about how Philly Dentistry is the reason he got his new job. Check it out!

    We want to help you land your dream job, just like Joshua! Give us a call at (215) 568-6222 and one of our team members will be able to set you up with an appointment. Check out our work on social media so you can see all of the amazing work our dentists do. We want to feature your smile transformation next! We are looking forward to seeing you soon.

    November 27, 2021
    3 years ago

    December is coming and so is another out-of-this-world monthly special! This December, we are offering $1,000 OFF Porcelain Veneers! The offer will last for the entire month of December and is open to all patients. Kick off your holiday season right with a brand-new smile from Philly Dentistry.

    patient's before and after porcelain veneers
    patient's before and after porcelain veneers

    These transformation photos were all from previous porcelain veneer cases. Our doctors work with our patients to create treatment plans that cover all of the smile goals our patients may have. There is no one-size-fits-all method for veneers. This cosmetic treatment is 100% customizable to each patient. Veneers can fix crooked teeth, gaps, stains, cracks, spacing, uneven lengths or sizes, worn enamel, misalignment, and pretty much all other imperfections! Every veneer patient can be assured that the veneer is bonded to their teeth was designed especially for their mouth.

    Are you tired of hiding your smile for photos? We want you to feel confident with yourself. Get that job, go on that first date, take selfies with confidence. (Don’t forget to tag us @phillydentistry 😉) But seriously, patients have told us how their lives completely changed after they got their new smiles. Our porcelain veneers made them feel like they could finally feel comfortable in their own skin. Come in for a FREE consultation, meet with our doctors, and let’s work together, as a team, to restore your confidence and give you the smile you’ve always dreamed of!

    November 17, 2021
    3 years ago
    Patient's before and after veneer photos.

    Ted Y. – Porcelain Veneers

    Our patient first came to us after experiencing a bad car accident that left his front teeth damaged. The goal was to get him healthy again and to give him the smile he always wanted. Our hygiene team, EFDAS, and doctors all worked together to make it happen. Here is Ted’s before and after photos with whitening and porcelain veneers! Ted also shared some kind words with us, “Dr. Jeon and her staff of hygienists and assistants, Jen and Alyssa,  took my case and did a beautiful job on my restorations.  They worked meticulously and the end result absolutely blew my expectations out the water! I had really bad experiences in the past with dentists, but each visit, their bedside manner was above the line of duty.  I actually look forward to coming in and don t mind the commute to get the best dental care in Philly!”

    patient's before and after bridge photos.

    Ryan S. – ZOOM! & Bridge

    Our patient came to us with an old bridge and in need of a brighter smile. After meeting with our doctors, we came up with a personalized treatment plan that would satisfy all of our patient’s desires! Check out this before and after a new bridge delivery and ZOOM teeth whitening! Another smile makeover in the books. “Very professional and great customer service. I got some major dental work done and they were been amazing!” Thank you to our amazing patient, Ryan, for choosing us.

    patient's before and after veneers photos

    Debi T. – Porcelain Veneers

    Our patient was unhappy with the shape of her teeth. She decided porcelain veneers were what she wanted to transform her smile! Our patient, Debi, was so happy with her results and left feeling confident as ever! “I’ve been coming here for over 5 years and I got my veneers here. I’ve been so pleased with my experiences. Dr. Jeon is amazing and very professional. I highly recommend Philly Dentistry!’

    patient's before and after veneer photos.

    Kaitlyn F. – Porcelain Veneers

    Here we have before and after some beautiful porcelain veneers. Did you know porcelain veneers allow you to customize the shade, shape, and size of your teeth? Our patient feels a lot more confident with the new size of her top teeth! Thank you so much, Kaitlyn, for choosing our office for your smile makeover!

    September 18, 2021
    3 years ago

    Many people consider teeth whitening when they are unhappy with the shade of their smile. Teeth whitening is a great, quick smile fix that will have you feeling more confident with your teeth. The treatment will give you the bright smile you’ve always wanted. However, even after treatment, you have to take care of your teeth so they stay bright. Are you unsure about how to care for your teeth after teeth whitening? Here are some tips to consider after you get your teeth whitened to ensure a long-lasting bright smile.

    1. Stay away from colored foods and drinks for at least 72 hours.

    To ensure the best results, you want to avoid any immediate teeth staining. The best way to make sure this doesn’t happen is to drink mainly water and eat colorless foods. In particular, avoid these when you can tea and coffee, red pasta sauce, soy sauce, barbecue sauce, fruit juice, and dark chocolate. You should also avoid acidic foods like lemons, oranges, and other citrus fruits. These can weaken your enamel.

    2. Keep up with proper oral hygiene for healthy teeth.

    For the best results, try to do the following as often as you can. Brush your teeth at least twice every day. Floss at least once a day to help remove any plaque that builds up over time. Rinse your mouth with mouthwash at least once every day. This too will help kill the types of bacteria that cause plaque build-up. Consider using whitening toothpaste at least once or twice a week. The whitening toothpaste is a way to give yourself minor touch-ups on the whitening when needed.

    3. Consider touch-up whitening treatments. 

    Teeth whitening isn’t permanent and we aren’t perfect. There are going to be times when you eat or drink whatever you want despite the teeth whitening rules. At Philly Dentistry, after your ZOOM! Whitening Treatment, we already anticipate your need for future touch-ups. That’s why we send you home with extra whitening gel and custom-made trays. You will be able to apply touch-ups when you think it’s needed and keep your smile super bright! 

    July 10, 2021
    3 years ago

    We have the world’s best patients. Our office has been open for over 18 years and throughout time, our patients have chosen to come back to us again and again. We take pride in making our patients feel at home in our office. In return, our patients have shared their experiences throughout the years on review sites like Google, Yelp, and Facebook. Our patient’s feedback is very important to us as we are always trying to better ourselves. We appreciate all of the kind words. So much so, that our team starts every morning by reading a new review. Hearing our patient’s feedback gets our team pumped for the next day! In this blog, we wanted to highlight some of our favorite reviews. These reviews, in particular, brought an ear to ear smile to all of our staff’s faces. 

    Brandon S. Review

    “Philadelphia Dentistry reconceptualizes and resets the paradigm for the holistic practice of dentistry. First and foremost, they operate with an unprecedented level of professionalism, subject matter expertise, compassion, and dedication to their clients’ needs. They put the client first and consciously try to seek an understanding of any issues, fears, or concerns their clients have so they can make them feel as comfortable as possible throughout the entirety of their visit. Further, their clarity of explanation provides the client with education concerning proper dental hygiene and a vision for maintaining healthy practices. They have not only built an environment that is friendly, energetic, comfortable, positive, and beautiful, but they celebrate diversity – of staff, clients, and perspective — since they place love central to their core values.

    What I love most about the office (besides their dental expertise and care they provide-) is how they genuinely attempt to create a lasting relationship with the client – they seek understanding of who you are, what you do, and create bonds of friendship that makes you feel like you are an extension of their dental family. Trust me when I say, not only are you going to receive the highest quality of service at this practice, but you are missing out if you don’t make this the home for all your dental needs!” -Brandon S.

    Nikki B. Review

    “I chose this office after my husband had a pleasant experience. I also had a great experience. All of the staff were welcoming and helpful. I enjoyed chatting with my hygienist, Alyssa! What stood out to me in terms of care was: they did an oral cancer exam. I have only had one other doctor in my life do this for me! This was also the most educational office I have ever been to where they show you exactly what is happening to your teeth and why. Then they have individualized recommendations for improving your oral health. I was impressed by the knowledge of Alyssa, she went over everything the doctor covered with me, so I got it twice!” -Nikki B.

    Billy C. Review

    “I’ve been a patient for over 2 years now. Always quick and efficient with their work. I had a filling crack in May and was able to get in the very next business day (a Friday). I had the filling replaced that following Monday by Dr. Ridge and the assistant. After fixing that, I realized I would be away for my cleaning date in August. They bumped me up this week with my go-to hygienist Jen. Jen did my Zoom well over a year ago which whitened my teeth 4 shades and the trays and whitening provided have kept my pearly whites nice and bright with light maintenance. Everyone at the office is friendly, helpful, and informative and they handle COVID-19 procedures with ease and care.” -Billy C.

    May 11, 2021
    3 years ago

    Are you trying to get back into the dating world? Whether you are going out on dates or swiping on dating apps, you are trying to make a good first impression. What is the first physical characteristic men and women are quick to judge one another for? Is it their profession? Could it be their height? People’s smiles are the first thing others notice when meeting for the first time. Therefore, if you are jumping back into the dating world, you want to make sure you have a nice smile!

    Here at Philly Dentistry, we’ve got you covered. We are smile professionals and can make any ‘smile dream’ come true. Stained teeth? Come in for a whitening that can make your smile jump up to 10 shades brighter! If that doesn’t sound good enough, we have another whitening option. We offer an at-home whitening treatment that will give you the same results. What’s the difference? The only difference is that you are in control of the treatment and perform it on yourself at home. Don’t worry though, our team will provide you with step by step directions to make the process super simple for you. (BTW, our at-home whitening trays are on sale this May for $169!)

    Are your teeth misaligned, gapped, or crowded? You might be a good candidate for Invisalign. Invisalign is the new and improved version of braces. When your dating, you don’t want wires and brackets in your mouth. Invisalign throws that old-fashioned concept out the window. Fix your smile with Invisalign’s invisible custom-made aligners. Check out this infographic for more about the treatment.

    Invisalign Infographic

    Lastly, if you don’t have time to whiten or straighten your teeth with traditional methods, porcelain veneers could be the fix you’ve been looking for. Porcelain veneers are an excellent way to quickly and efficiently enhance your smile. In about two visits, our team of rockstar doctors can transform your smile. The best part about veneers is that you get to chose how you want your smile to look. You and the doctor will look through shapes and shades to decide what would look best for your smile.

    So, if you are getting back into the dating scene and really want to WOW your partners with an amazing smile, give us a call. One of our team members will get you set up with a FREE new patient consultation and from there we will come up with a treatment plan together. We can guarantee you will not want to stop smiling after completing a smile makeover with our Philly Dentistry team!



    April 21, 2021
    4 years ago

    Do you love to laugh? We all know the saying, “Laughter is the best medicine.” Laughing is scientifically proven to benefit our mental health. It feels good to be surrounded by loved ones, hear a funny story, or to laugh all night. Another saying, “Laughter is contagious,” also holds. If you hear people laughing, you will at least smile, too. Our brains naturally respond to the sound of laughter and prepare our muscles to join in on the fun too.

    Laughing can improve your physical wellbeing by boosting your immunity, bringing down pressure hormones, diminishing pain, and loosening up your muscles. Also, laughing improves the function of veins and enhances your bloodstream. So, we can all agree laughter is one of the greatest joys in life? For most, yes. For others, not so much. People who are insecure with their smiles result in feeling self-conscious while laughing. When we laugh, our mouths are exposed. For someone with smile insecurities, this can be a nightmare, as it would affect someone emotionally and take tolls on interpersonal relationships.

    At Philly Dentistry, we don’t want any of our patients living in a nightmare. We want people to feel confident with their smiles and to live a healthy life. We are smile makeover professionals and can take any ‘OK’ smile and transform it into an amazing smile!

    Let the results speak for themselves. Our patients come into our office with all kinds of dental concerns. The great thing about our practice is that every visit is customized to meet the needs of each patient. Our number one priority is to give you your confidence back, so you can live a happy life full of laughter.

    watermarked teeth USED watermarked teeth1 USED

    February 21, 2021
    4 years ago

    We love our patients! There are hundreds of dental offices in center city Philadelphia, yet our patients continue to show their loyalty to us year after year. We take pride in creating long-lasting relationships with our patients. To spread the word, our patients have left reviews about their experiences with us on sites like Google, Yelp, and Facebook. Our patient’s feedback is very important to us as we are always trying to better ourselves. We appreciate all of the feedback, suggestions, and kind words. Seriously, our team starts every morning by reading a new online review. Hearing our patient’s reviews gets our team pumped for the next day! In this blog, we wanted to highlight some of our favorites. These reviews, in particular, brought big smiles to our team’s faces.

    5 Stars

    “I think I share the same sentiments with most of you…that dental work is one of the highest forms of torture this planet has to offer. The sounds of drilling, hands ceaselessly probing in your mouth, the smell and taste of fluoride, and all the while you’re sitting under the brightest most intrusive fluorescent lights. It’s like the 8th circle of hell.

    However, I must tell you I have never felt more comfortable in my life than I have sitting in this Dentist office. A chipped tooth necessitated a crown and lead me to meet Dr. Ridge, Stephen, Jenaya, and the wonderful ladies at the front desk. They were so pleasant, so concerned about my level of comfortability, and as I’m sure you all want to hear most, were very fast and efficient. The two hours I was there flew right by…Jenaya and Dr. Ridge seriously killed it.

    I NEVER leave reviews, but they gave me such a good feeling I’m not even dreading having to go back to get the actual crown put onto my tooth. This Office is comprised of nothing but dedicated and amazing professionals, who truly go out of their way to make sure you feel taken care of (even if you’re in your own version of hell).”

    -Savannah S. 5 Stars on Google

    “Philly Dentistry has been AMAZING! Their staff has made my visits friendly, comfortable, and worry-free. I have been lucky to get to work with Dr. Ridge, Jenaya, Jessica, and Rach while figuring out a plan to get my teeth looking healthy and great again! They have made the anxieties of dentist visits disappear for an enjoyable experience. While completing the work I have the need they have been great in care and education to help give a better understanding of future care.  In addition, Rich has been a great financial/ insurance resource answering all my questions to make sure money stresses are non-existing! Kiya and Jess at the front desk are always warm, welcoming, and helpful with any scheduling needs, and make sure all my check-in information is where it needs to be! Together this Group makes my Dentistry Dream Team! Can’t wait for my next visit!”

    -Rocio C. 5 Stars on Google

    “Today was my first visit at the office. The ladies at the front desk are very kind and welcoming!  Dr. Ridge was very nice and explained my treatment plan very thoroughly. He also answered all of my questions and made me feel comfortable and excited to move forward with treatment. Stephen Ruiz, the treatment coordinator, is funny and has a great personality! He thoroughly explained my financing options and answered all my questions.

    I love the fact that I don’t have to wait long for appointments. I can be seen within a week or two and those multiple appointments can be set on the day of your visit. Other offices make you wait until you come back to set the next appointment, which results in longer treatment times. I also was seen quickly and wasn’t sitting in the waiting room forever. Great music in the office as well. I’m very happy I found this office!”

    -Tiffany S. 5 Stars on Google

    February 1, 2021
    4 years ago


    website zoomWe live in a world where people move fast. We expect fast service at restaurants, we dread waiting in grocery lines, and we text instead of calling. Our world has become accustomed to instant results. Instant results are what our ZOOM! teeth whitening service provides. We want to provide the best possible deals for our patients. That’s why during the entire month of February, we are inviting all patients to take advantage of our $100 ZOOM! whitening special!

    If you have ever felt a lack of confidence when smiling, this is the perfect treatment for you. Editing your selfies and avoiding cameras is in the past! It’s time to feel like the best version of yourself and smile with confidence. With our whitening special, we will have you in and out in only one hour. We do all the work. Come in for your appointment and sit back and relax while we apply the whitening gel to your teeth, shine our special light, and give your whiter teeth FAST!

    To see more before and after photos, check us out on social media. Our Instagram is filled with awesome transformation photos. We want you to be featured in our next post! To book your appointment, give us a call at (215) 568-6222. We are looking forward to seeing you soon!


    December 22, 2020
    4 years ago

    This crazy year is finally coming to an end. There were many highs and some lows, but all in all 2020 gave us the privilege of getting our city healthy. In addition to getting our patients healthy, we enjoyed educating patients on good oral health care. Let’s go through some of our favorite blog posts published this year, as they are timeless and always a good read!

    Oral and Mental Health

    veeneer brochure pic

    When people think about their health it is normal to categorize it. We categorize our mental health with our feelings, our oral health with our mouth, our physical health with our body, etc. However, it is important to remember that all of these categories make up our overall health. They all work together to keep us healthy. Specifically, let’s dive into the correlation between our oral health and mental health…

    DIY Whitening vs. In-Office Whitening


    Nowadays, there are so many whitening options whether it’s doing it yourself whitening or in-office whitening. Mostly everyone wants a nice white smile to give them better confidence in their everyday life. In this blog, you’ll learn the difference between DIY whitening and in-office whitening to decide which option is best for you…

    Celebrities with Veneers

    miley cyrus

    Not everyone is born with a perfect smile. We see all over the media celebrities who appear flawless. These celebrities seem to have it all, but that is far from the truth. It wasn’t until their dentists came and saved their teeth that they looked picture perfect. So, with the help of the right dentist, this means that you can have the same perfect smile that these celebrities have too. In this article, we will be diving into a list of celebrities who have gotten veneers. Some of these before and after comparisons will shock you…

    Why Get Invisalign?

    Invisalign is the modern way to straighten your teeth over those big metal embarrassing braces we all had as a kid or teenager. Invisalign’s custom-fitted, clear aligner trays are made specifically for you. Every 2-3 weeks you will receive a new set of trays until your treatment is finished and your teeth are perfect. Here are seven advantages for Invisalign over braces…

     Calling All Coffee Lovers

     coffee picture

    It’s no secret that coffee means a lot to people. For some, having a morning coffee is the most important part of the day. The smells, warmth, and tastes that coffee releases are incomparable. I think it’s appropriate to say that most people value coffee as a necessity. Not to be a Debbie Downer, but coffee comes with a price. Teeth stains are the worst. The delicious drink can cause yellowing discolorations, so it is important to know how to prevent that. We are here to tell you that you can still enjoy your favorite drink AND keep your teeth healthy. Here are some ways you can prevent coffee from staining your smile…


    Try us out at no risk by scheduling your FREE first visit!

    or contact us today for a free consultation with Dr. Cirka, Dr. Jeon, or Dr. Ridge in our Center City, Philadelphia office.

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