Philadelphia Dentistry
Drs. Cirka, Jeon & Ridge
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    Philly Dentistry

    Category: Lumineers

    April 1, 2011
    14 years ago
    • desc: Carol, 27, had 2 VENEERS previously at another Philadelphia dentist. She was dissatisfied with SPACE between upper and lower teeth, DISCOLORED lower TEETH. We did ZOOM! WHITENING and 6 upper LUMINEERS.
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    SG procedures
    April 1, 2011
    14 years ago
    • desc: Stephanie, 25, purchasing manager for Lucky Jeans, had CHIPPED, SPACING and a SMALL front tooth. ZOOM! ONE-HOUR WHITENING and 6 upper PORCELAIN VENEERS (LUMINEERS) were done. She is back flying throughout the U.S. with more confidence than ever!
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    SG procedures
    April 1, 2011
    14 years ago
    • desc: Sean, 25, a real estate broker, was unhappy with his YELLOW TEETH and the SPACING between them. ZOOM! ONE-HOUR WHITENING and 8 upper PORCELAIN LUMINEER VENEERS later, he has a new smile and more confidence. He was a good-looking guy before, now he looks great!
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    SG procedures
    April 1, 2011
    14 years ago
    • desc: Jenny, 23 year old Penn State student, was dissatisfied with SPACING between her upper teeth. She did not want to have BRACES, but wanted an immediate fix. 8 upper LUMINEER PORCELAIN VENEERS were done.
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    SG procedures
    April 1, 2011
    14 years ago
    • desc: Kristen, 28, from the New Jersey shore, always wanted WHITE TEETH. Now she has them after her ONE-HOUR ZOOM! WHITENING and 8 upper LUMINEER PORCELAIN VENEERS – BEAUTIFUL, NATURAL and HEALTHY!
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    SG procedures
    April 1, 2011
    14 years ago
    • desc: Dave, 36, a lawyer, drove 3 hours to see us. After having two other consultations, with a New York dentist and a New Jersey dentist, he came to us for a third opinion. He had SPACES between his two FRONT TEETH and HATED THE COLOR. We did ZOOM! ONE-HOUR WHITENING and 8 upper PORCELAIN LUMINEERS. He is back in the courtroom and he is more confident than ever!
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    SG procedures
    April 1, 2011
    14 years ago
    • desc: Ann, 28, a public relations specialist for a professional athletic team in Philadelphia, needed help. She had previous chipped, discolored bonding which prevented her from smiling. An avid softball player, she was back on the field smiling after we did her 8 upper LUMINEER PORCELAIN VENEERS.
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    SG procedures
    April 1, 2011
    14 years ago
    • desc: Jim, 39, real estate manager, had existing yellow CROWNS and a DARK GRAY LINE at the GUMLINE and WORN TEETH. 6 upper LUMINEER PORCELAIN VENEERS were placed to cover the BROKEN TEETH and CROWN. He was fitted with a NIGHTGUARD to protect his VENEERS. We have seen him for regular check ups for three years now; he is doing great!
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    April 1, 2011
    14 years ago
    • desc: Kim, 24, a Philadelphia college student, complained of YELLOW, CROWDED, OVERLAPPED TEETH and PREVIOUS DISCOLORED BONDING. She is a new person after having 16 LUMINEERS DONE. After the new smile, she referred her brother to us for the same EXTREME MAKEOVER. Check out those “pearly whites!”
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    SG procedures
    April 1, 2011
    14 years ago
    • desc: Paul, 55, a nurse anesthetist and recently single, was dissatisfied with WORN, BROKEN YELLOW teeth. Paul was very hesitant at first, seeing us for a few consultations before the MAKEOVER was started. He had a lot of questions. He is seeking a new woman to date, now that he had his 8 UPPER LUMINEER VENEERS placed and ZOOM! WHITENING. He claims that having his teeth done was one of the best decisions that he ever made…and he looks 10 years younger!
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    SG procedures
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