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    Customized Sports Mouth Guards Protect Teeth from Damage

    Customized sports mouth guards for athletes are the best protection available to reduce the severity of sports-related dental injuries. Dr. Ken Cirka, Dr. Mimi Jeon and Dr. Evan Ridge are experienced Center City dentists, ready to provide Philadelphia athletes with strong, reliable mouth guards to protect teeth and gums.

    Consequences of Not Wearing a Mouth Guard

    Collisions happen on the playing field, falls happen on the court, hits happen in the rink. Whether you or your child plays a contact sport, a mouth protector is an essential piece of equipment, just like a helmet, uniform, cleats, knee pads, or skates.

    Direct impact to the mouth can cause serious dental damage, including:

    Protective mouth guards are usually mandatory for high-contact sports like football, hockey, soccer, rugby, basketball, lacrosse, or boxing. While it’s easy to assume that some sports don’t require a mouth guard – particularly independent endeavors like track and field, skateboarding, or gymnastics – accidents happen. All sports are safer when the participants wear mouth guards.

    Why Professional-Quality Mouth Guards Are Essential for Athletes

    Mouth guards can be designed to cover the upper teeth, or they can be shaped to protect both the upper and lower jaws. While mouth guards can be purchased at a sporting goods store or pharmacy, this option leaves the wearer susceptible to even more than just dental injury.

    Dental research suggests that over-the-counter mouth guards increase the risk of an athlete suffering a concussion or mild traumatic brain injury than athletes who wear custom-made mouth guards. When an athletic mouth guard is properly fitted, it offers an extra level of protection. No mouth guard can eliminate concussion, but it has been suggested that dentist-made mouth guards absorb shock, limit movement when a player takes a direct hit to the jaw, and helps stabilize the neck and head. Professionally crafted mouth guards are also thicker, increasing their effectiveness.

    Store-bought mouth guards wear out quickly, while customized mouth protectors last longer and are less susceptible to damage. Over-the-counter stock mouth guards or the boil-and-bite options are hardly precise, which affects the level of comfort they can provide and their effectiveness.

    Mouth guards are an essential part of player safety. And protecting yourself or your child is worth the money to invest in a customized mouth guard. Don’t take the easy way out.

    Additional Benefits of an Athletic Mouth Guard

    Besides the obvious benefit of protecting your teeth and mouth from damage, mouth guards instill confidence in athletes. You want to be able to give yourself over to your sport, focus on the action, and perform your best. Worrying about being hit and trying to avoid all direct hits to your mouth are distractions that determined athletes don’t have time to entertain.

    You’ll be a better athlete with a mouth guard in place. Store your mouth guard with the equipment that you would never for a minute think of leaving behind for a practice or a game. You will never forget this element that is an essential part of your success in your game.

    Head and neck protection is a priority for athletes. Oral health protection should be on that same priority level. A top-quality protective mouth guard will help minimize dental injuries and mouth trauma.

    Adults, teens, and kids are all eligible for a mouth guard to shield their mouth from potential damage. Your Philadelphia dentist will determine which form and type of mouth guard is best for you. Even if you wear braces, your ability to play sports does not have to be impacted. A mouth guard can be designed to accommodate any orthodontic treatment. Just don’t make the mistake of assuming that your retainer or aligner can do the work of an athletic mouth guard.

    Visit Philadelphia Dentistry to be fitted for a protective mouth guard that is highly effective in protecting your teeth, gums, and mouth from sports-related injuries. Contact us to make your appointment.

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    or contact us today for a free consultation with Dr. Cirka, Dr. Jeon, or Dr. Ridge in our Center City, Philadelphia office.

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