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    Coffee Lovers and Stained Teeth: What Can I Do To Avoid the Stains?

    May 30, 2017
    7 years ago

    Caffeine lovers that are avid coffee drinkers are well aware of how it contributes to stained teeth. Since the coffee is acidic it does not only stain, but it also is weakens the tooth enamel, making the teeth more prone to staining and cavities.

    Here are a few tips that we have to help you reduce the staining from coffee as well as decrease the damage being done to the enamel on your teeth:

    Drink Your Coffee, Don’t Sip it!blue-eyed-woman-drinking-coffee

    It is proven that the longer you take to sip your coffee, the more likely you are to have staining. If you are drinking the coffee slowly then the teeth are constantly being exposed to its acidity. This damages the enamel more and allows the stains to penetrate more deeply and darken the teeth.

    By drinking your coffee quickly you can protect your teeth from coffee stains significantly.

    Use an Electric Tooth Brush

    Using an electric toothbrush is better than a manual one for decreasing surface stains. A great example of an imgreselectric toothbrush that works well is the Sonicare toothbrush. Ask your dentist for help if you are unsure which to purchase and they will guide you and prevent stained teeth.

    Toothpaste with Fluoride and Baking Soda

    We recommend using Arm and Hammer Advanced Whitening toothpaste as the best toothpaste for removing surface stains from the teeth. The baking soda acts like an exfoliator on the teeth and the fluoride helps protect the enamel from harmful bacteria.

    Do not Brush Your Teeth Right Away

    If you do not want the coffee to stain your teeth then you should not brush right after your coffee. Since the coffee is acidic it will weaken the enamel. If you then go and brush the enamel this scrubbing action will help the staining coffee particles further infiltrate the teeth and cause stains. Wait at least thirty minutes after your coffee before you brush your teeth.

    Drink Water After Coffee

    Right after your cup of coffee make sure to drink some plain water. This will rinse the teeth off as well as help to buffer the acidity of the coffee in your saliva.images

    Drink Coffee Through a Straw

    By drinking the coffee through a straw you can completely bypass the teeth. Of course for hot coffee this is less appealing than iced coffee, but it really does help avoid stained teeth.

    Use Whitening Trays from Your Dentist

    If you want to have white teeth then regular teeth whitening at home really helps. Your dentist can make you custom whitening trays and review instructions on how to bleach your teeth without causing pain, sensitivity, or damage to your teeth. Once you have the custom trays it is a good idea to use them regularly after your dental cleaning to really keep the color bright.

    These changes can help protect your teeth from coffee stains.

    Ask your dentist and dental hygienist about custom whitening at your next appointment or call us today to schedule a free consultation to help you achieve a brighter, whiter smile.

    We look forward to meeting you!

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