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    Single tooth dental implant

    Single Tooth Dental Implant

    One missing tooth is a problem for your entire smile, even if it’s located in the back of your mouth and may not be especially noticeable. Every missing tooth is both a functional and cosmetic complication and its absence, over time, can negatively impact the rest of your teeth. At Philadelphia Dentistry in Center City, we perform single tooth dental implants to qualified patients to create complete, healthy smiles.

    The Single Tooth Dental Implant Procedure

    Whether you get one dental implant or several, the entire process requires months of treatment and healing time and several appointments with your Philadelphia dentist. Here are the basic steps to expect:

    The Benefits of a Single Tooth Dental Implant

    Of course, the biggest benefit of a single tooth dental implant is that your smile is no longer missing an integral piece and it is fully complete, but there are other benefits that make this dental restoration so ideal:

    The Importance of Replacing a Missing Tooth

    Many people are convinced they don’t need to replace a missing tooth but, eventually, the absence of a tooth will wreak havoc. Every tooth in your mouth is there for a reason. Getting a single tooth dental implant is an important restoration and delivers permanent perks:

    Get a Single Tooth Dental Implant in Center City

    One missing tooth can cause multiple big problems for your oral health and the appearance of your smile. If you are interested in learning more about single tooth dental implants, contact Philadelphia Dentistry in Center City to schedule a consultation.

    Try us out at no risk by scheduling your FREE first visit!

    or contact us today for a free consultation with Dr. Cirka, Dr. Jeon, or Dr. Ridge in our Center City, Philadelphia office.

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