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    Dental Care Tips for Older Adults

    September 9, 2019
    5 years ago

    The older you get the more rules they try and get you to follow and that doesn’t change with your dental health. When you get older more dental issues can occur such as, gum disease, dry mouth and root decay. Dental diseases have been linked to other health issues including heart disease, respiratory infections and even mental health disorders. Therefore, elderly people should practice great oral health to prevent any of these dental diseases. Here are a few dental care tips for the older generation so they maintain healthy teeth and gums for life.

    linda b. before and after

    1. Having a good dental routine is very important. Make sure that you are brushing twice a day, flossing once a day and using mouthwash to rinse. When you’re older you are prone to develop more bacteria in your mouth and that is why it is important to use an antibacterial mouthwash to help destroy and plaque or bacteria that is left behind after brushing your teeth. Another way to keep a good dental routine is to visit your dentist every six months so they can check to make sure everything is in good health.

    2. Using an electric toothbrush. As you age it becomes harder to use a manual toothbrush. So, by switching to an electric toothbrush it will assist you when you’re brushing. Switching to an electric toothbrush will help elderly people who have limited movement because of things like arthritis and other health conditions. An electric toothbrush will do most of the physical work, ensuring that their teeth are getting a proper cleaning every day.

    3. Clean your dentures daily. Dentures can be identified to the older generation because of all the dental issues that occur when you age. If you have dentures it’s important to clean them daily just as you would with your natural teeth. The only difference between dentures and natural teeth is that dentures cannot be cleaned with just regular toothpaste. There is a specific kind of formula toothpaste designed for dentures. Another tip is to always keep your dentures in water or denture solution when you take them out to prevent them from drying.

    4. Medication side effects. Make sure you are checking the side effects from any medication you are taking. We’ve all seen our parents or grandparents taking 10 different medications every day so it’s important to know what the side effects can be. Some common side effects could be dry mouth which will lead to a buildup in plaque and bacteria. This can result in cavities or other dental problems such as, gum disease. If you are unsure about any medication side effects, be sure to ask your dentist at your next appointment and they will let you know.

    Don’t wait any longer, even when you’re older it’s just as important to visit your dentist for your routine checkups. Give us a call today to set up a free new patient consultation with one of the best dentists in all of Philadelphia!

    Email: info@phillydentistry.com
    Phone: 215-568-6222
    Social Media: @PhillyDentistry

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