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Drs. Cirka, Jeon & Ridge
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    Philly Dentistry

    July 29, 2019
    5 years ago

    During the month of August, take advantage of our great monthly special of $100 off ZOOM! Teeth Whitening! If you are not satisfied with the color of your teeth, chances are that you do not smile as much as you should! Life’s too short to not smile and be embarrassed by the color of your teeth. Often times people try over the counter whitening methods that don’t work as well and the results tend to be not that great. This is the reason you should try our in-office professional teeth whitening procedure, ZOOM!

    Why should you decide on our in-office ZOOM! Whitening procedure? First reason is because it gets rid of stains from your everyday lifestyle. As you go through life you develop stains on your teeth from certain foods, drinks and different habits. This slowly stains your teeth to a yellowish color. Luckily, there are professional whitening procedures to specifically get rid of these stains. Ask one of our great doctors about ZOOM! Whitening at your next appointment.


    Another great reason and one of my favorite reasons are that this whitening procedure only takes one hour! In just one hour at our convenient, Center City Philadelphia office you can whiten your teeth up to 10 shades whiter, sometimes even more! After your procedure you can expect the results to last up to 3 years with your regular cleanings with our great hygienists so you maintain healthy teeth and gums for life. How it works is that oxygen from the bleaching gel is used to take off years of stains in just one hour!

    When you have a whiter, brighter smile it improves your self-confidence. You can have perfectly straight teeth, but if they are stained you are not going to feel confident at all. When you improve your confidence, you improve your entire life. With a whiter smile you’ll walk with your head held high and smile every chance you get, don’t wait any longer for this great monthly special!

    As much as we wish we could control time, we just can’t. Age catches up with everyone and there is nothing we can do about it. When we age our teeth age as well and may develop stains from the years of drinking coffee, wines and eating different types of foods. After just one hour of our in-office ZOOM! Whitening procedure you will look years younger with your whiter smile!

    When you come to Philadelphia Dentistry the full ZOOM! procedure costs $597, but this month only you can take $100 off the total cost. In addition to this amazing offer we will throw in free customized whitening trays with free bleaching gel. This way you can touch up your white smile anytime you’d like in the comfort of your own home. Don’t hesitate any longer and get that smile you deserve with ZOOM! Teeth Whitening at Philly Dentistry. Give us a call today at 215-568-6222 or send us over an email at info@phillydentistry.com and follow us on Instagram @PhillyDentistry to stay up to date with all the latest news at our office!

    July 22, 2019
    5 years ago

    Do you have missing teeth and are embarrassed to smile? There’s a solution that will help you gain your confidence back and it’s dental implants. Considered to be one of the best options for missing teeth, dental implants can fix broken or decayed teeth as well. At your next appointment make sure to ask one of our great doctors or providers if dental implants are the best option for you. Here are a few advantages of getting dental implants.


    1. Convenience. Dental implants are much more convenient than dentures that you have to remove every night. With implants they stay put in your mouth. This permanent solution takes away any embarrassment that’s involved with taking out fake teeth.

    2. Look, feel & perform like natural teeth. This is one of the main reason’s patients choose dental implants because they can’t even tell that they have them. By feeling like your natural teeth, the comfortability is great! Having implants in your mouth, it can restore your full chewing power so you can enjoy all your favorite foods without worrying about anything.

    3. Bone loss prevention. When you have a missing tooth, it can lead to bone loss in your jaw. This is known as resorption. Bone loss occurs with missing teeth because there is no longer any root to stimulate the bone. When you have traditional dentures, they have been known to speed up the bone loss process because of the added pressure of the gums which wears away the bone. A great thing about dental implants is that it replaces the root as well as the tooth to preserve natural bone growth.

    4. Dental implants can last a lifetime. Taking proper care of your dental implants can make them last your whole life. Dental implants cost a little more than bridges or dentures, but the investment in yourself and the long run is definitely worth it. The average patient that has dentures needs a new set every 3 to 8 years. This is because changes occur in the patient’s jaw. Unlike dentures, dental implants are made extremely strong and are also fused with your jawbone making it a permanent fit in your mouth.

    5. Dental implants prevent facial sagging. When you have missing teeth which causes bone loss, that bone loss ends up making your face sag with excess wrinkles around your mouth. This can make you look older and cause you to feel embarrassed. With dental implants it will prevent your face from sagging by filling in any missing teeth so you don’t lose any jaw bone.

    Every patient is a little different so at your next dentist appointment ask your doctor if dental implants are the best option for you. Our dentist will determine if implants are the right solution for you and they will suggest any alternatives if they feel it’s a better option for your specific smile. Give us a call at 215-568-6222 and schedule your appointment today.

    July 15, 2019
    5 years ago

    I’m sure you’ve met someone with a dental crown, either your friends, family and even dentists have them. A dental crown is basically a “cap” that sits over the surface of your damaged tooth and serves to restore the complete structure of the tooth and all it’s functions. There are 2 reasons why you might need a crown on your tooth.

    Dental crown installation process, Medically accurate 3d illustration

    The first reason would be a cosmetic reason. A cosmetic reason would be to restore the esthetics of the crooked teeth. You can cover up a tooth you do not find appealing, for example if a tooth is out of place or stained badly, you can cover it up with a porcelain crown to make it look like your natural teeth to give you a beautiful smile makeover.

    The second reason and probably most important would be functional reasons. For example, if you have a weakened tooth you would need to get a crown to protect it from anymore damage. This means if a tooth is cracked, a crown can be used to hold the tooth together. Another example, is if you have a heavily filled tooth from a cavity. This means if you’ve had a large filling or the fillings have been filled too many times on different sides of the tooth, the structure of the tooth will become weakened and will need a crown to support it. Next, would be a single tooth restoration which means if you’re getting a dental implant to replace a single missing tooth a crown will be needed in order to be placed over the implant to give it full support. Finally, if you have a root canal your teeth become weak after the root canal treatment. Therefore, a dental crown will be needed to be placed over the tooth to restore it to full strength. Check out what some of our patients said about getting a dental crown at our office!

    “Philadelphia Dentistry is truly at the top of their game. Today I went in for a crown and it was the most pain-free experience ever. The procedure was quick and efficient which is important to me given how busy I am. Everyone in the office does a great job explaining each step in the dental procedure and why they are doing it. The entire staff is always friendly and accommodating and the office makes effective use of the latest technology. For example, they send you emails and text messages to remind you of appointments. If you are looking for a new dentist, I suggest you give Philadelphia Dentistry a look!”

    “I came to Philadelphia Dentistry after they were highly recommended in order to make a crown for my implant. After doing my own research I also learned that they specialize in cosmetic dentistry and I have a gap in-between my two front teeth that had started to open up again about 3 years ago, even after wearing braces to correct it. I was interested in getting that fixed and at my consultation I was told about bonding the teeth together in order to close the gap. I just had the bonding done today with Keila and my teeth look PERFECT! You can not even tell that I had anything done, it just looks like I was born with this smile. On top of that, they did the molding for my implant in order to create the crown which I will be going back for in two weeks. The whole procedure from start to finish was painless and quick. Every staff member I have met so far, as well as Dr. Cirka himself, are so welcoming and friendly, I feel like I have known them for years. They really take the time to explain everything and they always have a smile on their face. I am really happy I chose Philadelphia Dentistry for my dentistry needs.”

    Those are just two of the many patients we help every day with all their dentistry needs. Give us a call today for a free new patient consultation and see if a dental crown is the best option for you. Smile more with Philly Dentistry!

    Call 215-568-6222 and have healthy teeth and gums for life!
    Email: info@phillydentistry
    Social media: @PhillyDentistry

    July 8, 2019
    5 years ago

    When you’re on vacation all you can think about is having fun. We get it, it’s easy to forget about keeping good dental habits when you’re soaking up the sun, drinking your favorite drink with your toes in the sand. Here are some tips about how to keep your smile healthy while you’re on vacation.


    First thing, with any vacation is to get everything ready and shove it all into your suitcase. Sometimes it’s easy to forget some important things like your toothbrush and toothpaste. With all the excitement about your vacation those two things are the easiest to forget. When you pack your toothbrush and toothpaste don’t forget about your floss and mouthwash. Those two things are even harder to find and more expensive depending on where you’re vacationing to. Most people forget to apply sunscreen on their lips. Your lips are part of your mouth and are easily ignored while soaking up that sun all day.

    The second thing to remember while on vacation is to keep and stick to a daily routine. The thrill of your vacation and what adventures you may encounter next may cause you to get out of your dental hygiene routine. Make sure you are brushing your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes and flossing once a day. You’re doing a ton of fun things on vacation, but it’s important to take out 5 minutes of your day to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

    Watching what you eat and drink. It’s vacation it’s a time to cut loose and have a great time! Often times people get carried away and eat and drink a ton of sugary products. Sugar is one of the worst things for your teeth. Some tips to help your teeth from those sugary products would be to use a straw when drinking anything sugary so, it doesn’t directly hit your teeth. After you drink something sugary try drinking some water in between to rinse your mouth so the sugar doesn’t stick to your teeth the whole time. Another tip is to pack some healthy snacks when you’re out and about. This doesn’t only save you money, but makes you eat healthier rather than getting that sugary dessert. Still eat that sugary dessert if you want, just make sure you follow it up with some water to rinse away most of the sugar and don’t forget to brush away the rest of the sugar later that night before you fall asleep.

    The final tip is to get a routine checkup from your dentist before you go on vacation. It’s important because you don’t want to end up having something go wrong on vacation like a toothache or needing a root canal. By getting a routine checkup your dentist can see if there are small problems that can turn into something large over time…over your vacation time! No one wants to go to a random dentist on vacation, it could ruin your entire trip! So, remember these tips for your next vacation and give us a call at 215-568-6222 and trust the best team of dentists in Philadelphia.

    Instagram: @PhillyDentistry
    Email: info@phillydentistry.com

    July 1, 2019
    5 years ago

    During the whole month of July take advantage of our monthly special of $500 off Invisalign! Invisalign is the new way to straighten your teeth without the embarrassment of having metal braces. With Invisalign you have clear aligner trays that snap on and off of your teeth allowing you eat and drink whatever you please, when you please. The trays are made from a clear plastic- like material that most people hardly notice. Depending on how much your teeth needs to be straighten, each tray is worn up to 1-2 weeks. Each tray will slightly move your teeth closer to the end goal of a perfect smile. Before you decide to get Invisalign we will give you a free iTero Invisalign scan in our Center City, Philadelphia office. This scan will show what your smile will look like after Invisalign, before you even start your treatment.

    Another common questions our patients ask is how long will Invisalign take? This is a case by case situation and will be different for each patient depending on how much straightening their teeth need and how good they are about wearing their trays for at least 22 hours a day. On average, a common patient can except the case to last a year. If your case includes bite correction then you can expect it to take a little longer than average.
    You’re probably thinking now, what is it like wearing the trays? At first like anything new it takes some time to get used to. For the first week you can assume that you will speak with a little bit of a lisp. This is common for most patients because they are just getting used to wearing the trays and talking with them. In no time you’ll be used to wearing them and at times probably forget you have them in.

    Todd L. Invisalign

    When you are done with Invisalign and your teeth are looking perfect, your doctor will remove any attachments on your teeth and do another scan. After the scan they will make a clear removable retainer for you to wear at night only. This retainer will ensure that your teeth stay straight, as long as you continue to wear it each night. The great thing about Invisalign is that you are in charge of your success. The more compliant you are with your Invisalign treatment the faster you will finish and your results will look great!

    Give us a call today and come in for a free new patient consultation. Don’t forget when you call to mention that you would like to get a complimentary iTero Invisalign scan and see for yourself just how perfect your teeth could be. 215-568-6222 and don’t forget to follow us on Instagram & Facebook to stay up to date on our office!

    Try us out at no risk by scheduling your FREE first visit!

    or contact us today for a free consultation with Dr. Cirka, Dr. Jeon, or Dr. Ridge in our Center City, Philadelphia office.

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