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Drs. Cirka, Jeon & Ridge
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    Philly Dentistry

    Category: Uncategorized

    February 17, 2022
    3 years ago
    dental care mirror

    As people age, they become more susceptible to diseases. You get older and more dental issues can occur such as gum disease, dry mouth, and root decay. Dental diseases have been linked to other health issues including heart disease, respiratory infections, and even mental health disorders. Therefore, elderly people should practice great oral health to prevent any of these dental diseases. Here are a few dental care tips for the older generation so they maintain healthy teeth and gums for life.

    Good Routine

    Having a good dental routine is very important. Make sure that you are brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, and using mouthwash to rinse. When you’re older you are prone to develop more bacteria in your mouth and that is why it is important to use an antibacterial mouthwash to help destroy and plaque or bacteria that is left behind after brushing your teeth. Another way to keep a good dental routine is to visit your dentist every six months so they can check to make sure everything is in good health.

    Electric Toothbrush

    Using an electric toothbrush is the best way to go. As you age it becomes harder to use a manual toothbrush. So, switching to an electric toothbrush will assist you when you’re brushing. Switching to an electric toothbrush will help elderly people who have limited movement because of things like arthritis and other health conditions. An electric toothbrush will do most of the physical work, ensuring that their teeth are getting a proper cleaning every day.


    Clean your dentures daily. Dentures can be identified to the older generation because of all the dental issues that occur when you age. If you have dentures it’s important to clean them daily just as you would with your natural teeth. The only difference between dentures and natural teeth is that dentures cannot be cleaned with just regular toothpaste. There is a specific kind of formula toothpaste designed for dentures. Another tip is to always keep your dentures in water or denture solution when you take them out to prevent them from drying.

    Medication Side Effects

    Make sure you are checking the side effects of any medication you are taking. We’ve all seen our parents or grandparents taking 10 different medications every day. It’s important to know what the side effects can be. Some common side effects could be dry mouth which will lead to a buildup in plaque and bacteria. This can result in cavities or other dental problems such as gum disease. If you are unsure about any medication side effects, be sure to ask your dentist at your next appointment and they will let you know.

    Don’t Wait

    Don’t wait any longer, even when you’re older it’s just as important to visit your dentist for your routine checkups. Give us a call today to set up a free new patient consultation with one of the best dentists in all of Philadelphia!

    February 7, 2022
    3 years ago

    To celebrate Valentine’s Day this year, we wanted to gift our patients with this fabulous deal. Throughout the entire month of February, we are offering “Buy 1 ZOOM! Teeth Whitening, Get 1 Half Off.” You and your valentine can celebrate this year by brightening your smile. Give us a call to schedule both whitening appointments now!

    Why brighten your smile?

    • Date night
    • Graduation
    • Birthday
    • Job interview
    • Wedding
    • Masks coming off
    • + so much more!

    What is ZOOM! teeth whitening?

    Amazingly white teeth in just 1 hour! Nothing gets your teeth whiter, faster. Introducing the ZOOM! In-Office Whitening System, the revolutionary tooth whitening procedure. It’s safe, effective, and fast, very fast. In just over one hour, your teeth will be dramatically whiter. ZOOM! Whitening is ideal for anyone looking for immediate results. The convenience of ZOOM! in comparison to days of wearing trays and gradual teeth whitening makes it the perfect choice for the busy individual.

    How does ZOOM! work?

    The ZOOM! whitening procedure is simple. It begins with a short preparation to isolate your lips and gums. ZOOM! Whitening Gel is activated by a specially designed light. Teeth typically become ten shades whiter, sometimes more. A five-minute fluoride treatment completes the procedure. You’ll be amazed at the results. In most cases, teeth get even whiter the first few days after the procedure.

    Why wait?

    Give us a call to schedule your ZOOM! Teeth Whitening treatment today! We can be reached at 215-568-6222 or by email at info@phillydentistry.com. Let’s give you and your valentine the smiles you’ve always wanted!

    Check us out on social media before your visit.

    Book an appointment online.

    January 27, 2022
    3 years ago

    It has been a fun-filled year! Throughout 2021, our blog has educated you, made you laugh, or made you smile. We have hand-picked a few of our favorite posts from 2021. If you haven’t read them yet, check them out!

    Tiktokers are shaving their teeth?!

    Tiktokers are shaving their teeth?! The app, TikTok, has been filled with users acting as DIY dentists. Tiktokers have become fixated on shaving their teeth to get their desired length. People are using metal nail files to shave down their enamel. The whole thing is super crazy and not safe for your teeth. ​If you try to file or shave your teeth at home, you can damage the enamel on your teeth, which can lead to a whole plethora of other problems.

    Deep Cleaning Scaling and Root Planing

    Do you think you need a deep cleaning? What does a deep cleaning entail? Deep cleaning involves gum scaling and root planing. Scaling and root planing is a way that we treat gum infections. The symptoms that someone might experience when they need scaling and root planing could be bad breath, a bad taste in their mouth, bleeding, swelling, tender gums, and unfortunately, sometimes they don’t have any symptoms at all.

    What is plaque?

    You know that icky feeling on your teeth when you first wake up in the morning? That’s plaque! Plaque is a clear, sticky bacteria that is constantly forming on your teeth. When it’s not cleaned regularly, the plaque hardens and creates calculus, which is also known as tartar. Calculus cannot be removed with before-bed and in-the-morning brushing. When this occurs, you need to visit the dentist for a professional cleaning. 

    Should I wear a nightguard?

    Do you wake up with migraines in the morning? This could be a sign of clenching or grinding your teeth in your sleep. You might be a good candidate for a nightguard. You may not realize the clenching or grinding, but a lot of people do fall victim to it. Time after time, patients sit in the chair and say, “I don’t clench or grind.” However, they are clenching and grinding as they say that! Over time, the constant wear and tear of clenching or grinding take a toll on your teeth.

    Dental Smiles Month Patient Highlight

    June is Dental Smiles Month, so we thought it would only be appropriate to highlight one of our awesome patients showing off their fabulous smiles! Our patient Blanche first came to us and felt self-conscious with her smile. She told us how she takes pride in her appearance and has always made it a point to take care of herself. For instance, she has always practiced skin care and hair care. So much so, that she is accustomed to receiving compliments about her awesome skin daily. However, she never thought about the importance of dental care.

    December 27, 2021
    3 years ago

    Are you thinking about a smile makeover? Here at Philadelphia Dentistry, our team gives you top-notch treatment. Starting with your initial phone call, our new patient coordinator will cater to you. All of your questions and concerns will be answered so you are fully prepared for your visit. Once you arrive, our receptionist will greet you with a smile and get you settled before your appointment. Finally, our doctors will meet with you for your consultation.

    Top 5 things our doctors consider when designing a new smile:

    Smile Goals: 

    Our doctors consider a lot when meeting with a new smile makeover patient. Each treatment plan is completely customized to you. Our doctors will ask you several questions to get an exact idea of how you want your smile makeover to look. This is done to ensure that all of your smile goals are properly delivered to you by our team.

    Type of Treatment: 

    Next, our doctors will perform an exam. The exam will show more information that will reveal what type of treatment would be best. For example, would veneers, crowns, a dental bridge, a denture, etc. be the best fit? What your current teeth look like will depict the best treatment plan for you.


    Our doctors will look at your face shape, eye shape, and nose. Our team only delivers smile makeovers that best compliment the patient’s facial features. For instance, think of teeth shaping like contouring. Long teeth compliment a round-shaped face, round teeth complement a heart-shaped face, etc.  


    Patients will decide whether they want a very natural-looking smile makeover or if they want the super bright, perfect smile that is clear cosmetic work. Common questions our doctors will ask patients are, “Do you want people to tell you there’s something different about you, but I can’t figure out what it is.” Or “Do you want people to see your bright, perfect smile from across the room?”

    Lips and Gums:

    Taking the lips and gums into consideration is vital for beautiful smile makeovers. Our doctors are perfectionists and know exactly how to design the perfect smile for you. The lips should cover the gums, and the gums should be symmetrical. Also, our doctors like to ensure that your top teeth are hugging your bottom lip. See in the photo how the teeth lie on the bottom lip. That is perfection! A beautiful, symmetrical, wide smile…we love it!

    December 7, 2021
    3 years ago
    Dr. Cirka celebrating Christmas, enjoying time in front of the tree.
    Dr. Cirka enjoying time for the holidays!

    It’s the holiday season and that means all of the treats are coming out! Holiday treats are always fun to enjoy. The sugar cookies, cakes, pies…mmm mmm mmm, we can’t get enough. We want you to enjoy all the treats too, but don’t forget to take care of your teeth. It is so important to stay consistent with good oral health. You don’t want to fall into any bad habits and start your new year in the dentist’s office because of cavities, mouth pain, or any infections. To help you stay on track, we made a list of tips to help you maintain your oral health during the holidays!

    1. Stick to the normal routine. Be sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss. This is the easiest way to ensure your smile is staying on track.
    2. Schedule your post-holiday cleaning now. Prepare in advance and have this one already set. Plus, if you know you have a date with your hygienist, it might influence you to floss more!
    3. Drink plenty of that H2O! Drinking water has so many benefits, but particularly for your oral health, water should be your best friend. Drinking water can freshen your breath, and help clean away bacteria in your mouth.
    4. Don’t use your teeth for anything besides eating. Your teeth are not bottle opening or present opening tools. You don’t want to crack a tooth doing something like this. Keep your teeth intact and only use them when eating!
    5. Make yourself a to-go dental kit. You never know when you’re going to wind up staying out for the night so a to-go dental kit is a great way to stay prepared. Use a Ziplock bag to store a toothbrush, a travel size toothpaste, and a pack of floss. You will be ready for any situation!
    October 28, 2021
    3 years ago

    Halloween is coming, and if you don’t brush so will the cavities! Halloween is a fun time to enjoy all your favorite candies. However, it is important to eat treats in moderation and to brush right after. National Brush Day is celebrated on November 1st, the day after Halloween, to reinforce the importance of dental health and promote good brushing habits!

    dental care toobrushing

    How to brush?

    Let’s go over the correct way to brush your teeth. First, position your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to the gums. Next, gently move the toothbrush up and down in short strokes. Then, brush the outer surfaces, the inner surfaces, and the chewing surfaces of the teeth. Be sure to use the tip of the brush to clean the inside surfaces of the front teeth, using gentle strokes! Finally, brush your tongue to remove any bacteria and to freshen your breath.

    Want more tips? We got you!

    It’s also important to know when it’s time to replace your toothbrush. Always rinse your toothbrush with water after brushing. Store it in an upright position and let it air dry rather than placing it in a closed container. Toothbrush caps only create the growth of bacteria. The general rule of thumb is to replace your toothbrush every 3 months. Replace it sooner if you notice the bristles bending up or if you were recently sick.

    All in all, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene in order to take care of yourself. Good oral health reflects good overall health. Give us a call at (215) 568-6222 to book your next cleaning! In the meantime, let’s get connected on social media! We love seeing our patient’s photos throughout their smile journey. Tag us @phillydentistry to be featured on our channels.

    October 18, 2021
    3 years ago

    Did you know that 1 in 12 people clench or grind their teeth while they sleep? Teeth grinders can experience migraines, sore teeth, an aching jaw, and even morning headaches. By grinding or clenching while you sleep, you are damaging your teeth without even knowing it. This can result in chipping a tooth, wearing down your enamel, and jaw pains. One of the main factors that result in teeth grinding is stress. By managing your stress and wearing a custom-made nightguard you can relieve pain and protect your teeth at the same time. Let’s talk about some reasons why wearing a nightguard is so crucial.

    tooth pain

    1. Prevents damage

      When you are grinding and clenching your teeth you are wearing down your enamel, which in turn puts you at a higher risk of chipping, breaking, and damaging your teeth. Wearing a nightguard that shapes perfectly to your teeth will prevent your upper teeth from grinding and clenching with your lower teeth. This allows you to protect your smile!

    2. Stress relief

      Nightguards are so comfortable that you will hardly feel it in your mouth. By having a nightguard molded specifically to your teeth, it reduces the stress that typically would be placed on your jaw and muscles.

    3. Prevents migraines

      Patients often realize a difference instantly when they start wearing their night guard. They have reported that headaches and neck pains are reduced to few or zero pain at all. Your personalized nightguard is also designed to keep your teeth and bite aligned to keep tension off your jaw muscles.

    4. Comfortable sleep

      Nightguards allow a better night’s sleep due to taking pressure off your head, jaw, and neck. The way your jaw is positioned when your night guard is in helps promote muscle relaxation and reduces stress in your jaw, which will give you a better night of sleep.

    5. Financial relief

      If you are constantly clenching or grinding your teeth every night and you’re not using a night guard your teeth are slowly being destroyed. When your teeth are being worn down to nothing you will have serious dental problems. This will result in paying for restorative and cosmetic treatments and in the long run that is an expensive investment.

    6. Prevents snoring

      Yes, wearing a nightguard could prevent you from snoring. So, if your significant other complains about your loud snores, this is the perfect solution for you! Let’s talk about how that works. When you’re wearing your nightguard, a small space in-between your jaw is created. This small space increases your air intake, which ultimately, allows you to breathe better.

    Getting a custom-made nightguard is very simple and only takes 2 visits. During the first visit, a mold is created perfectly for your teeth. During the second visit, you will be in an out quickly, as the appointment is only for you to pick up your new nightguard and make any adjustments after a fitting. It’s that simple and the benefits are too great to ignore. Give us a call at (215) 568-6222 to schedule your appointment now!


    October 8, 2021
    3 years ago

    October is National Dental Hygienist Month! This is the perfect time to celebrate our dental hygienists for all the work they do! Also, it’s a good time to educate about the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene. Making a positive impact in the community is something our dental hygienists are very passionate about. We do that by treating one patient at a time. We encourage our patients to stay healthy by brushing twice a day, followed by rinsing with mouthwash and flossing daily.

    Our hygienist Jen hard at work!
    Our hygienist Jen hard at work!

    Our dental hygienists address many oral health issues with patients. The top ones are:
    • Periodontal Disease (Gum Disease)
    • General Oral Care
    • Cavities
    • Inflammation
    • Cancer Screens
    A big thank you to our dental hygienists for providing these top services to our patients:
    • Education
    • Prophylaxis
    • Fluoride Treatments
    • Periodontal Scaling & Root Planing

    The mouth is incredibly important in the systemic function and overall well-being of patients. With that, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene in order to take care of yourself. Give us a call at (215) 568-6222 to book your next hygiene appointment. Our team will get you up to speed with the newest hygiene education and ensure you are in good health. Not to mention our team consists of some of the coolest ladies you’ll ever meet! Our patients tell us endlessly that they look forward to their hygiene appointments and catching up with their hygienists. We build relationships, educate, and get patients healthy. It is our greatest pleasure serving you and we look forward to seeing you soon!

    Let’s get connected on social media! We love seeing our patient’s photos throughout their smile journey. Tag us @phillydentistry to be featured on our channels.

    October 7, 2021
    3 years ago


    We are conveniently located in the Medical Arts Building at 1601 Walnut Street, Suite #1302. Just to give you a heads up, our entrance is on 16th street next to the Rag & Bone. Our office is within easy walking distance to most Center City, Philadelphia office buildings, Rittenhouse Square, and Washington West.


    If you are driving into the city, please allow yourself some extra time. We have been recently experiencing more traffic and construction in the city. Parking is available nearby in many parking garages. Here are just a few that our staff utilizes daily.

    • Latimer Parking Garage 1510 Latimer St, Philadelphia, PA 19102 (4 min walk to our office)
    • SP Parking 1616 Sansom St, Philadelphia, PA 19103 (1 min walk to our office)
    • Double Tree Hotel 237 S Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19107 (7 min walk to our office)
    • Park America 220n S 15th St, Philadelphia, PA 19102 (2 min walk to our office)


     We are conveniently located near Septa’s El, the Regional Rail trains, and the New Jersey PATCO.

    • The Septa El drops you off at 15th Street. (6 min walk to our office)
    • The Regional Rail drops you off at 16th St. & JFK Blvd. (6 min walk to our office)
    • The New Jersey PATCO drops you off at 15th/16th & Locust Street. (2 min walk to our office)


    We are looking forward to seeing you soon. If you have any questions before your appointment, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 215-568-6222 or email us at info@phillydentistry.com. Our team would be happy to answers any and all questions.

    Philadelphia Dentistry

    Dr. Ken Cirka, DMD
    1601 Walnut Street
    Suite 1302
    Philadelphia, PA 19102

    Check us out on Social Media before your visit!

    August 29, 2021
    3 years ago

    What are the benefits of cosmetic dentistry? Many patients have found cosmetic dentistry to be well worth it, especially in individuals who suffer from dental issues that specifically lower their self-confidence. An improved smile is not only beneficial for a boost in your own self-esteem, but it impacts the way others perceive you as well.

    Here are just some physical imperfections that cosmetic dentistry can fix:

    ● Dark or stained teeth

    ● Chipped teeth

    ● Crooked teeth

    ● Missing teeth

    ● Cracked or worn teeth

    ● Gaps or crowdedness

    ● Cavities 

    ● Silver filings 

    Whether you want whiter teeth or a straighter smile, cosmetic dentistry can give you the smile you’ve always dreamed of. You don’t have to be a celebrity to have a perfect smile. Here at Philly Dentistry, we treat all of our patients with top-notch care and deliver only the best results. Check out these different smile makeovers we’ve done to see what type of cosmetic dentistry seems right for you. 

    So, what are you waiting for? Give us a call at (215) 568-6222 to speak with a member of our team. We will get you set up with FREE new patient consultation, so you can discuss with one of our doctors which option is best for you. Everything will be completely personalized just for you. We are looking forward to seeing you soon and giving you your dream smile! In the meantime, let’s connect on ​social media. ​We post a lot of cool content that mostly consists of our office’s personality and smile transformations. Show us some love! 

    Try us out at no risk by scheduling your FREE first visit!

    or contact us today for a free consultation with Dr. Cirka, Dr. Jeon, or Dr. Ridge in our Center City, Philadelphia office.

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