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Drs. Cirka, Jeon & Ridge
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    Hygiene Tips During the Holidays

    December 7, 2021
    3 years ago
    Dr. Cirka celebrating Christmas, enjoying time in front of the tree.
    Dr. Cirka enjoying time for the holidays!

    It’s the holiday season and that means all of the treats are coming out! Holiday treats are always fun to enjoy. The sugar cookies, cakes, pies…mmm mmm mmm, we can’t get enough. We want you to enjoy all the treats too, but don’t forget to take care of your teeth. It is so important to stay consistent with good oral health. You don’t want to fall into any bad habits and start your new year in the dentist’s office because of cavities, mouth pain, or any infections. To help you stay on track, we made a list of tips to help you maintain your oral health during the holidays!

    1. Stick to the normal routine. Be sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss. This is the easiest way to ensure your smile is staying on track.
    2. Schedule your post-holiday cleaning now. Prepare in advance and have this one already set. Plus, if you know you have a date with your hygienist, it might influence you to floss more!
    3. Drink plenty of that H2O! Drinking water has so many benefits, but particularly for your oral health, water should be your best friend. Drinking water can freshen your breath, and help clean away bacteria in your mouth.
    4. Don’t use your teeth for anything besides eating. Your teeth are not bottle opening or present opening tools. You don’t want to crack a tooth doing something like this. Keep your teeth intact and only use them when eating!
    5. Make yourself a to-go dental kit. You never know when you’re going to wind up staying out for the night so a to-go dental kit is a great way to stay prepared. Use a Ziplock bag to store a toothbrush, a travel size toothpaste, and a pack of floss. You will be ready for any situation!
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