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Drs. Cirka, Jeon & Ridge
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    Philly Dentistry

    August 24, 2020
    4 years ago

    dental implant

    Having missing teeth can create many problems. Your appearance, the ability to talk and chew, and dental and overall health are affected. Many people who have lost teeth wish to get new teeth that are visually appealing and comfortable. Another desire would be to have the security of fixed teeth. Dental implants make all of this possible. Within the past 30 years, dental implants have proven themselves to be an effective and reliable means for replacing missing teeth and securing a smile. Dental implants are a notable procedure that has improved the lives of many. In this article, we will dive into the many ways dental implants can enhance your life.

    1. Appearance

    Dental implants will improve your appearance. When you have a missing tooth, a dental implant can fill in the missing spot flawlessly. They look and feel like your own teeth and they are designed to merge with bone so they become permanent.

    1. Speech

    When missing a tooth, some people opt to get dentures. With poor-fitting dentures, the teeth can move around in the mouth causing you to mumble or slip up words. On the contrary, dental implants do not move in your mouth. Therefore, they allow you to speak without worrying about your teeth moving around.

    1. Eating

    Similar to speech, sliding dentures can affect eating. All in all, the movement of dentures can make chewing difficult. Dental implants function like your own teeth, so you can eat normally without restraint or pain.

    1. Comfort

    Unlike dentures, your dental implants become a part of your mouth. Since they become apart of you, you don’t even feel them or realize they are there. They provide full comfort so you can go about your daily life.

    1. Self-esteem

    Dental implants give you back your smile. There’s no inconvenience or embarrassing moments taking out a denture. No one will even know you had dental work done. When you have a healthy smile, you feel better about yourself.

    1. Health

    Unlike other dental procedures, dental implants do not require shaving other teeth. This leaves more of your own teeth intact, which ultimately improves your long-term oral health.

    We are here to help you get healthy. Please contact us for any information when deciding about dental implants. You can call us at (215) 568-6222, email us at info@phillydentistry.com, or follow us on social media! Our social media handles are Instagram @phillydentistry, Twitter @DrKenCirkaDMD, and Facebook @PhiladelphiaDentistry. Thank you for reading!

    August 14, 2020
    4 years ago

    Not everyone is born with a perfect smile. We see all over the media celebrities who appear flawless. These celebrities seem to have it all, but that is far from the truth. It wasn’t until their dentists came and saved their teeth that they looked picture perfect. So, with the help of the right dentist, this means that you can have the same perfect smile that these celebrities have too. In this article, we will be diving into a list of celebrities who have gotten veneers. Some of these before and after comparisons will shock you!

    1. Tom Cruise

    tom cruise

    Tom Cruise is known for being handsome and having a perfect smile. He was one of the first people in the industry to undergo cosmetic dentistry and get veneers. To get a spot in Hollywood movies, he had to fix his teeth!

    2. Nicholas Cage

    nicholas cage

    Adding to the list of Hollywood celebs with perfect smiles, we have Nicholas Cage. Nicholas Cage is a leading actor in Hollywood and has struggled with dental issues for some time. He had two teeth pulled many years ago as part of his role in “Birdy”, the 1984 film. After the film, he knew he needed a smile makeover. Eventually, Mr. Cage fixed his smile with a set of veneers.

    3. Miley Cyrus

    miley cyrus

    Miley Cyrus is most famous for her role on Disney channel’s Hannah Montana. During her teen years, she suffered from crooked teeth. After her Disney career ended, the actress/singer decided to turn to cosmetic dentistry. Her veneers look awesome!

    4. Zac Efron

    zac efron

    Zac Efron is an American heartthrob. Similar to Miley, Zac’s career originally blew up on Disney channel. He played a leading role as Troy, on high School Musical. As a teen, you can see, he suffered from gapped and uneven teeth. Veneers transformed his childhood smile, into a picture-perfect smile!

    5. Niall Horan

    niall horan

    Niall Horan first won our hearts on the X-Factor. Back then, Niall was a teen and had crooked and misaligned teeth. At one point he even wore braces. Eventually, he decided to undergo cosmetic dentistry and get veneers. Ever since his smile has won more hearts!

    The days of not being satisfied with your smile are over. Give us a call for a consultation with us at Philly Dentistry and see a computerized presentation for porcelain veneers. These celebrities have perfect smiles, and so can you! Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram (we post cool stuff!) at @phillydentistry.

    August 4, 2020
    4 years ago

    Olivia Bolduc ZOOM! watermarked2

    During the whole month of August, come in and take advantage of our $100 off Zoom teeth whitening special! Zoom is a very popular whitening service at our Philadelphia office. The treatment is used by professionals all around the world to whiten the discoloration in patient’s teeth. You may be experiencing some tooth discoloration from drinking coffee, soda, red wine, or from smoking. Also, as you get older, your teeth can naturally become darker with time. Zoom’s 1-hour whitening treatment can help with all of these concerns.

    Anytime a patient wants to get a whitening treatment done, it is important to have a teeth cleaning before the treatment. Your cleaning will ensure your teeth and gums are healthy for the whitening. When you first arrive at your appointment, you will be escorted to one of our treatment rooms. Once you are settled, one of our dentists will give you an exam. After the exam is completed, the whitening procedure can take place.

    Zoom whitening treatment starts by prepping your mouth. Your lips and gums will be covered, leaving only your teeth exposed for the treatment. Once your mouth is prepped, one of our dentists or dental assistants will apply the Zoom hydrogen peroxide whitening gel on your teeth. This works best when we turn on our Zoom light, which hits your teeth and removes any stains or discolorations you may have. The Zoom gel and light will remain on your teeth for three 15-minute intervals. All in all, your treatment will take 45 minutes. While you are waiting for your teeth to become white, you get to relax. Take this time to sit back, listen to music, and chill out – You deserve it! As soon as we are finished, a sensitivity gel will be applied to your teeth to ensure you don’t experience any sensitivity after your treatment.

    You will also receive complimentary whitening trays to take home with you to touch up your smile. You will be given instructions for how those work so even when you leave our office, you will be under our care at home as well! Before you leave, don’t forget to book your next appointment with us. It is important to stay up to date with your dentist visits to have the best results with your treatment.

    The Zoom whitening treatment usually costs $597, but during the whole month of August subtract $100 from that original cost! We want to give you the smile you’ve always wanted. Give us a call at (215) 568-6222 and make an appointment for your FREE new patient consultation to see if Zoom is right for you. To stay connected follow us on social media on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. (We post cool stuff!)


    Try us out at no risk by scheduling your FREE first visit!

    or contact us today for a free consultation with Dr. Cirka, Dr. Jeon, or Dr. Ridge in our Center City, Philadelphia office.

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