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Drs. Cirka, Jeon & Ridge
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    Philly Dentistry

    February 24, 2020
    5 years ago

    Invisalign is the modern way to straighten your teeth over those big metal embarrassing braces we all had as a kid or teenager. Invisalign’s custom-fitted, clear aligner trays are made specifically for you. Every 2-3 weeks you will receive a new set of trays until your treatment is finished and your teeth are perfect.

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    Here are seven advantages for Invisalign over braces.

    1. Your clear aligners are so much less noticeable than traditional metal braces. Some people may not even notice you’re wearing them!

    2. Unlike metal braces that are attached to your teeth, Invisalign trays can be removed whenever you want to eat or drink.

    3. You can clean your teeth way easier with Invisalign, just simply remove the trays and brush and floss like you would normally do when you were not doing Invisalign.

    4. There will be fewer appointments with visits to our Philly Dentistry office only every 4-6 weeks.

    5. No food restrictions like you have with metal braces. You don’t need to worry about brackets coming off or getting loose and don’t worry about food being stuck between them.

    6. Some people face metal allergies so if this happens to be you, Invisalign is the best choice for you because they’re metal-free.

    7. Invisalign trays are more comfortable than metal brackets. I remember having metal braces cut the inside of my cheeks and gums and that was not fun. With Invisalign you don’t need to worry about any metal in your mouth at all. Your Invisalign trays will be smooth and comfortable for your specific smile.

    If you believe Invisalign might be the best option for you give us a call at 215-568-6222 and we will set you up with a free new patient consultation. At this appointment our great doctors will determine if Invisalign is the best option for you. You can even get a free iTero scan, which allows you to see what your teeth will look like with Invisalign, before you even start your treatment. Send us an email at info@phillydentistry with any questions you have and don’t forget to follow us on social media @PhillyDentistry. Thanks for reading!

    February 17, 2020
    5 years ago

    Whenever you hear the words, “root canal” this can be enough to make people get scared and cringe. The image most people see in their head when they think of a root canal is someone holding their jaw in pain while moaning. This image you think of is because how movies, TV shows and cartoons perpetuate root canals. With advancements in technology modern day root canals are nothing like they used to be. In this blog you’ll learn the facts vs the myths of modern-day root canals.

    woman in pain

    Reasons why you may need a root canal? There can be a few different reasons why your dentist will tell you that you need a root canal. The most common reasons are cracked teeth, damaged teeth, deep cavities, abscesses, and trauma.

    Myth number one. A root canal is painful. Root canals don’t cause pain, they relieve pain. With today’s modern anesthetics and technology, a root canal is no more painful than someone getting a simple cavity filled. One of our great dentists will make sure you are comfortably numb and relaxed before they remove the pain causing infection from your tooth. After the dentist cleans out the tooth, they will fill in the hole to seal out any further bacteria while repairing the enamel of the tooth with a filling or cap the tooth with a crown.

    Myth number two. It’s better to have your tooth removed than a root canal. The last resort should always be a tooth extraction. Nothing functions as well as your own natural teeth, so by preserving them whenever you can is always the best option. A root canal allows you to keep your now healthy natural tooth. This will prevent you from having to resort to other dental treatments, such as bridges or implants to fill in the gap if your tooth gets extracted.

    Myth number three. You only need a root canal if your tooth hurts. Sometimes a tooth’s root infection has become so unembellished that the tooth can actually die. You may no longer be feeling any pain, but the infection is still present and damaging your underlying bone structure. Even at this point a root canal can still save the tooth structure itself. By going to your routine dental checkups and exams every 6 months our dentists will be able to detect any signs of a tooth infection and can deal with the problem before it becomes painful and harmful.

    Myth number four. Root canals take a couple visits to complete. Nowadays, most root canals can be completed in just a couple of hours. If there is no serious infection, they usually can be finished in one appointment at Philly Dentistry. You may need to return only if you need a filling or crown procedure.

    Myth number five. Infections are common after your root canal procedure. It is possible for a re-infection of the tooth to happen, but it’s not very common at all. If an infection returns you will need further treatment. With advancements in latest dental materials for root canals they are now designed to significantly reduce the likelihood of re-infection.”

    So, have no fear Philly Dentistry is here for all your general and cosmetic dentistry problems. Now that you know the facts about root canals, don’t believe the myths you hear. If you think you may need a root canal give us a call at 215-568-6222 or send us an email at info@phillydentistry.com. Don’t forget to follow us on social media to stay up to date with the latest news in our office. Thanks for reading.

    February 10, 2020
    5 years ago

    Nowadays, there are so many whitening options whether it’s do it yourself whitening or in-office whitening. Mostly everyone wants a nice white smile to give them better confidence in their ever day life. In this blog you’ll learn the difference between DIY whitening and in-office whitening to decide which option is best for you.


    You may be wondering what are the active ingredients that are in teeth whitening products? All whitening agents use a peroxide ingredient. Whitening varies according to the strength of the peroxide content. A mild whitening product can contain as little as only 10% of peroxide while a much stronger whitener can contain as much as 40% peroxide. Buying over the counter teeth whitening products like whitening strips have a much lower concentration of peroxide. When you get whitening from a dental office, whether it be custom-made take home trays or in-office ZOOM whitening, the results are much better because the peroxide solution is much stronger.

    How white can your teeth get from do it yourself whitening vs. in-office whitening? Whether you use do it yourself whitening at home or our in-office whitening, the whitening solution can only make your teeth as white as your natural tooth color. This is ultimately determined by the thickness of your enamel and how stained the dentine is underneath it. Teeth whitening can remove any stains from food, coffee and wine from the enamel. With store bought whitening you are not getting as much peroxide as whitening you get from a dental office so; it will not whiten your teeth as much as professional whitening. Over the counter whitening can definitely improve the whiteness of your teeth, but this will take a lot longer than in-office whitening.

    You’re probably wondering will whitening products improve my entire smile? Do it yourself at home whitening typically only whitens your front teeth, given the way they are designed. In-office professional whitening will whiten your whole smile more effectively. With custom-made take-home trays you will put the whitening gel into the trays to place in your mouth for about 7-15 minutes a day for 7 to 10 days. The whitening gel solution will coat the side teeth just as effectively as the front teeth, giving you a more consistent white smile. If you have about an hour to spend in our office, we can do ZOOM whitening. ZOOM whitening is another great full mouth whitening solution. One of our great dentists or dental assistants will apply a hydrogen peroxide gel directly to your teeth and then shine a specialized ZOOM light on the teeth to brighten your smile. The light and gel work together to give you the best possible whitening results.

    This all sounds great, but what’s the catch? The side effects from any type of whitening depending on the person can cause sensitivity for the treatment period. Typically, when you buy store bought whitening you will not experience any sensitivity because of the low levels of peroxide. If you have sensitive teeth some dentists will suggest using a store-bought whitening to start off and then moving forward to an in-office whitening treatment. After your whitening treatment you should avoid eating or drinking extremely hot or extremely cold foods or drinks, which can cause sensitivity. Another side effect from teeth whitening can be irritated and burning gums. This should be only minor and will heal, but it can be unpleasant. Our dentists will teach our patients on how to properly use the whitening gel at home so you don’t risk burning your gums or making your teeth sensitive.

    Schedule a free new patient consultation to see which whitening treatment is the best option for you. Give us a call at 215-568-6222 or send us an email at info@phillydentistry.com and don’t forget to follow us on social media @PhillyDentistry thanks for reading!


    February 3, 2020
    5 years ago

    During the whole month of February take advantage of our monthly special of $100 off Zoom teeth whitening. Zoom is a very popular whitening service in our conveniently located Center City, Philadelphia office. The process is used throughout the country and around the world to whiten the discoloration of enamel and dentin. You may be experiencing some tooth discoloration from drinking tea, coffee, soda, red wine and from smoking or using tobacco products. Also, when you become older your teeth can get stained or darken from the aging process.


    When you first come to Philly Dentistry our great doctors will give you an exam to make sure you are healthy for the Zoom in-office whitening treatment. It is important to be healthy because if you’re not, you can experience sensitivity from the whitening procedure. During your consultation our dentist will ask you questions about your oral hygiene and any existing dental work you’ve had done in the past to determine which whitening procedure is best for you.
    The Zoom in-office whitening procedure takes about an hour, but it’s important to have had a teeth cleaning before your whitening treatment to ensure that your teeth and gums are healthy for whitening. The procedure starts with some preparation to cover your lips and gums, leaving only your teeth exposed. One of our amazing dentists or dental assistants will then apply the Zoom hydrogen peroxide whitening gel, which works best when the Zoom light hits your teeth to get rid of any stains or discoloration you are experiencing. The Zoom gel stays in place for 15 minutes while the light is triggered. During this time, sit back, relax, listen to some music and let your teeth whiten. This gel is applied for three, 15-minute sessions with the light activation each time for a total of 45 minutes of treatment. As soon as the Zoom whitening treatment is finished a sensitivity reducing fluoride gel is applied to your teeth to make sure you don’t experience any sensitivity from the whitening process.

    At our office you will receive complimentary custom-made whitening trays to take home to touch up your smile any time you would like. Our dentist and dental assistant will go over instructions on how to use the take home trays to ensure you’re getting the best care at our office and in the comfort of your own home. Even after whitening your teeth they can stain if you continue to use tobacco products so we suggest that you quit using tobacco products all together. We also suggest for the first couple days to avoid any food or drinks that can stain your teeth such as, tea, coffee, red wine, etc. To maintain your white smile, make sure you are staying up to date with your regular dental visits and we all know it’s important to brush twice a day and floss. By doing this you will guarantee the best results from your Zoom in-office whitening procedure.

    The Zoom in-office whitening procedure normally costs $597, but during the whole month of February take $100 off and get that smile you’ve always wanted. Give us a call at 215-568-6222 and schedule your free new patient consultation to see if Zoom in-office whitening is the best option for you. Don’t forget to follow us on social media (we’re pretty cool) to stay up to date with all the latest our office is doing. Facebook, Instagram.

    Try us out at no risk by scheduling your FREE first visit!

    or contact us today for a free consultation with Dr. Cirka, Dr. Jeon, or Dr. Ridge in our Center City, Philadelphia office.

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