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    Solutions for a Chipped Tooth

    August 1, 2019
    5 years ago

    You never think it’s going to happen to you, until it happens to you! There you are watching a movie with your significant other, eating popcorn when suddenly you bite down on a kernel and “crack” you chipped your tooth! Your initial thought is fear, you think “what am I going to do now?!” Luckily for you, Philadelphia Dentistry can fix your chipped tooth right away.

    When you chip your tooth the first thing you should do is rinse your mouth with warm water so your mouth is clean. After that, apply something cold to the area to reduce any swelling. Finally, pick up the phone and call Philly Dentistry at 215-568-6222 and we will take great care of you right away.

    There are some different options when you chip your tooth and one of our excellent doctors will take a look and let you know what they recommend you do to give you the best smile. The most common option is tooth bonding. The dentist will use a special resin color to match perfectly to your natural teeth and will carefully fill in the area that is chipped. Once completed you will not even know you chipped your tooth, that’s how natural it will look. Another option would be tooth contouring. This method is to be used for light chips. We will remove a small amount of your tooth’s enamel and smooth out the area of your tooth to give it that all-natural look so no one will ever even notice you chipped your tooth. The next option would be dental veneers. Veneers are an extremely strong shell-like cover that is bonded over your teeth. They will fix any type of chips you may have large or small while still giving you a natural look. Finally, dental crowns can also be an option for your chipped tooth. Dental crowns are made to look like your healthy teeth and can hide any type of chip. A crown is like a cap that goes over the damage area to protect it from any further problems.


    Now you know all your options and what to do when it comes to a chipped tooth. Hopefully it doesn’t happen to you, but chances are if you’re reading this blog then you chipped your tooth. Some common situations in which teeth can get chipped are:

    • Tooth decay
    • Chewing anything too hard
    • Using your teeth to open something or to hold on to something
    • Grinding your teeth when you sleep

    If any of these scenarios happen to you the best thing to do is to stay calm and give us a call at (215-568-6222), send us an email (info@phillydentistry.com) or slide into our DM’s on Instagram @PhillyDentistry and we will be happy to help you out!

    Try us out at no risk by scheduling your FREE first visit!

    or contact us today for a free consultation with Dr. Cirka, Dr. Jeon, or Dr. Ridge in our Center City, Philadelphia office.

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