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    Right VS. Wrong Brushing

    December 21, 2015
    9 years ago

    Right VS. Wrong Brushing

    Improper brushing is more common than most would think.  Brushing your teeth may sound like a simple task, but doing so improperly could lead into problems regarding your oral health.  Brushing-Teeth  Your mouth has more germs in it than the number of people on this planet.  “A common misunderstanding is that just brushing your teeth is enough”, says Philadelphia Dentist Dr. Jessica Meier.  “Be sure and brush all around your mouth including roof, tongue, cheeks and gums.”

    Common mistakes when it comes to your brush:

    • Not using electric toothbrush- There is no possible way using an old fashioned toothbrush will be able to remove most plaque hidden between gums and teeth.  “Power brushes are becoming more and more affordable now a days and are worth the investment” states Dr. Meier.  “The vibration makes brushing so much easier- you simply position the brush correctly, the toothbrush does all the work for you”.
    • Wrong style of brush- Most purchase hard to medium toothbrushes, but soft is the way to go due to reduced roughness on the teeth by gently cleaning and having flexible bristles.
    • Excessive Toothpaste– A pea size amount will suffice, not a huge amount which is just wasteful.
    • Not disposing of old brush properly- Using an old brush is just as bad as not brushing at all.  You won’t be able to get rid of many germs in your mouth if the bristles on your brush are all worn out.
    • Brushing quickly- Most people say they brush for the recommended 2 minutes but in reality it’s around 30 seconds.  A good way to ensuring your taking enough time to brush is by using a timer while brushing.
    • Brushing motions- Brushing in an angled circular motion will help to remove plaque from under gums unlike the common back and forth motion.
    • Aggressively brushing- Brushing too harshly can lead to gums bleeding as well as even causing gum disease.

    The best way to ensure you’re on track with your oral hygiene is to schedule routine check ups and cleanings with us.  Call now for healthier teeth and gums 215-568-6222.

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    or contact us today for a free consultation with Dr. Cirka, Dr. Jeon, or Dr. Ridge in our Center City, Philadelphia office.

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