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    Fixing a Gummy Smile- What are my options?

    December 29, 2015
    9 years ago

    Fixing a Gummy Smile- What are my options?

    Patients often ask if veneers or braces are the right option for them to correct a “gummy smile.” When you come into our office for an initial consultation, Dr. Cirka and Dr. Meier will evaluate your smile and see how to best achieve perfection.

    Many times when we evaluate patients a main concern is their “gummy smile.” Before the teeth can be appropriately treated, the doctors will need to address the concern of the gummy smile as the first step in creating your smile.

    There is a cosmetic procedure that is done to correct the gummy smile called crown lengthening. Dr. Cirka and Dr. Meier work closely with a gum specialist, a periodontist, in order to lift the gums to the ideal location to exposure the underlying tooth structure.
    Once the gummy smile is minimized, Dr. Cirka and Dr. Meier will be able to repair the teeth to achieve ideal cosmetics. This can be done with whitening, veneers, bonding, crowns, or some combination of these. Each case is unique as the doctor will determine the best solution for you.

    How is Crown Lengthening done at the specialist? Does it hurt?

    The specialist that performs the procedure is able to reshape and recontour the gums by removing gum tissue. By using the most advanced anesthesia techniques and tools this is able to be accomplished with extremely minimal to no pain whatsoever. We work with the specialist to achieve the most desirable cosmetics by creating a symmetrical and appropriate gumline to allow ideal prosthetics afterwards.

    Will this be the solution for me? Will it always be the first step in treatment?

    Each case is unique. The first thing that the doctors will do is create a plan with you to achieve the most ideal cosmetic solution for your case.

    Give us a call to schedule your free consultation today and we can begin the process together!

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    or contact us today for a free consultation with Dr. Cirka, Dr. Jeon, or Dr. Ridge in our Center City, Philadelphia office.

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