Philadelphia Dentistry
Drs. Cirka, Jeon & Ridge
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    Philly Dentistry

    August 30, 2013
    11 years ago

    With new improvements in dental technology being made each day, caring for your teeth and gums is easier, less painful, and more convenient than ever before. We have prepared a list of five modern dental advancements that we’re thankful to have. Read on to learn about these fantastic solutions—and share the things you’re grateful for in the comments below!Tension headaches

    1. Natural-Colored Fillings, Veneers, and Implants
    Advances in ceramics and dental materials have significantly improved the look of fillings, veneers, and implants. Each of these dental restorations can be handled with tooth-colored materials that are matched to the natural color of your teeth. Fillings, veneers, and implants can also be contoured and textured so that they look even more realistic.

    Canton-OH-Dentists2. Dental Lasers and Cameras
    Though dentists used to rely solely on what they could see from looking into a patient’s mouth, technological advancements give today’s dentists more information to work with. By using cameras and special dental lasers, dentists can diagnose problems more efficiently and provide better treatment.

    3. Digital X-Rays
    Many dentists use digital x-rays to diagnose patient problems. Digital x-rays reduce the amount of radiation patients are exposed to and are better for the environment. They make the processes of storing, transferring, and producing dental x-rays safer for everyone involved. We only use digital x-ray at Dr. Cirka’s office!

    4. Invisalignporcelain-veneers

    Invisalign treatment is a great solution for anyone who suffers from crooked or poorly-aligned teeth. The aligners are virtually invisible and easier to care for than traditional metal braces. For many patients, Invisalign is a simple, painless, and low-maintenance treatment option. Not to mention, Dr. Cirka is one of the best InvisAlign providers in the city!

    5. Better Knowledge
    With advances in dental technology and general scientific knowledge, dentists today know much more about oral healthcare than their predecessors did. Modern dentists are also able to better understand the connections between oral health and a patient’s overall health. By understanding this important relationship, dentists can help their patients improve their dental health and reduce their chances of serious health problems in the future.

    Call us today at (215) 568-6222 to schedule a cleaning with one of our amazing hygienists.  Patients have come through our office and said that the cleaning they had here was the best of their life.  We also provide an exam with Dr. Cirka and cavity detecting x-rays (which are FREE for new patients) so we can make sure that all of our patients are in the best oral and overall health.  We’ll see you soon!


    August 28, 2013
    11 years ago
    Do stained teeth hamper your willingness to flash your smile? Everyone knows that white, dazzling teeth have the ability to portray confidence, health, and youthfulness. At Dr. Cirka’s Office, we have the treatment to create a whiter and brighter smile with our professional teeth whitening options.
    Professional whitening vs. over-the-counter products
    The products you choose are directly linked to the amount of brightness you desire in your smile. While drugstores and the Internet offer an abundance of different whitening options to choose from, it will not be nearly as effective as our professional teeth whitening in Philadelphia, PA. With over-the-counter products you may experience:
    • Uneven, blotchy results. Your saliva and tongue could wipe away some of the whitening agent, leaving them untreated.

    • Dried out tooth enamel. Many drugstore products contain glycerin.

    • Low concentrating agents, which will be time and cost consuming to get your desired results. Our whitening treatments are the best options to meet your expected results.

    When you consider professional teeth whitening, you’ll face numerous benefits including:


    • Safer and more reliable treatment

    • Treatment is under professional supervision

    • Bypasses sensitivity issues

    • Tooth color is customized to meet specific patient needs and desires

    • Your teeth can be brightened by multiple shades in as little as an hour

    • Longer-lasting results

    You can put your best smile forward in as little as an hour with our teeth whitening options. We have the ability to transform dull, dingy smiles into masterpieces. Don’t hide your smile any longer! Contact us today to schedule your teeth whitening consultation with Dr. Cirka!
    August 26, 2013
    11 years ago

    At Dr. Cirka’s Dental Office, we take dentistry very seriously. But believe it or not, teeth can be fun…even funny!
    Here are some wild and crazy dental facts that will make you smile and improve your health as well.


    1) The average human produces 25,000 quarts of saliva in a lifetime. That is enough spit to fill 2 swimming pools!

    2) You should not keep your toothbrush near a toilet. The airborne particles from the flush can travel up to a distance of 6 feet. Yuck!

    3) In 1994, a prison inmate in West Virginia braided dental floss into a rope, scaled the wall and escaped. (We suggest that you use floss to clean between your teeth instead of climbing prison walls! If you don’t you are missing around 35% of your teeth’s surfaces.)

    4) Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body. However, we do not recommend that you use your pearly whites to open bottle caps!

    5) The standard advice to “see your dentist twice a year” was actually invented by an ad agency for Pepsodent toothpaste! Your dental professional should recommend the correct schedule for your regular dental visits.
    A recent poll has shown that health professionals (physicians, dentists and nurses) were among the most trusted people in The United States. The least trusted? Lobbyists and congressmen of course!

    6) Over three out of four people in the United States suffer from some form of gum disease. It is the leading cause of tooth loss in people over age 35. The good news is, in most cases gum disease can be prevented or controlled!
    At Dr. Cirka’s Office, we are here for you, and want to help you achieve the best smile possible. If you have any questions or need to schedule a FREE consultation to discuss your dental health with Dr. Cirka give us a call at 215-568-6222. We will find something that fits into your busy schedule. We look forward to seeing you soon!

    Also – check us out on Facebook and “like” us for more dental health tips, community news, and all kinds of other fun stuff!!

    August 22, 2013
    11 years ago

    It looks like your parents were right when they lectured you about the importance of dental hygiene; however they may not have known all the reasons why. A study has confirmed what we already know – that a white and evenly spaced set of teeth makes people seem more attractive, but the study has also explained the reason why we find this so attractive! It is because healthy teeth are the human equivalent of a peacock’s tail – a sign of health and genetic quality designed to help choose a mate

    Perfect SmilesResearchers from the universities of Leeds and Central Lancashire in England took pictures of models before digitally changing the color and spacing of their teeth.

    Three shades were used – a yellowish brown, healthy white, and brilliant white, which can only be achieved by bleaching.

    They then showed the photos to 150 young men and women and asked them how attractive they found the models.

    Unsurprisingly, yellow teeth were unpopular, while widely spaced teeth were also deemed less attractive. The researchers determined that when we see someone with yellow or unhealthy teeth it sends off red flags in our subconscious which tells us the person is not healthy in some way, therefore they are not a good potential mate. Of course, when it comes to dentistry healthy teeth and gums are our number one goal. But it is just as important to us to help our patients feel great about their smiles! Bleaching is a quick and painless way to make your smile stand out! Call us today at (215) 568-6222 to schedule a FREE consultation to discuss your options for whitening your teeth with Dr. Cirka.  He gets amazing results with whitening and we can schedule an appointment that works with your schedule. We look forward to seeing you soon!

    Try us out at no risk by scheduling your FREE first visit!

    or contact us today for a free consultation with Dr. Cirka, Dr. Jeon, or Dr. Ridge in our Center City, Philadelphia office.

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