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    It’s the Holiday Season

    December 12, 2020
    4 years ago

    Christmas Tree With Baubles And Blurred Shiny Lights

    It’s the holiday season! Sometimes during the holidays, we shy away from our normal diet or self-care routine. That is completely normal as the holidays are a fun time to indulge with family and friends. However, it is important to still take care of ourselves. We are here to talk about some tips that will allow you to enjoy the holidays while still maintaining good health.


    When your mom makes her famous Jewish apple cakes, no one expects you to turn that down! All of our favorite dishes come out during the holidays and it is healthy to enjoy them. However, it is important to keep in mind the amount of sugar you are consuming. To ensure good oral health, try to floss and brush your teeth after enjoying holiday treats.

    Don’t Forget

    It can be easy to be forgetful in the midst of everything. It’s essential to brush your teeth when you wake up in the morning and before you go to bed. Especially if you have little ones, be sure to have them brush their teeth before running down the stairs on Christmas morning. They might be fussy and anxious to open presents, but maintaining their oral health will be worth it in the long run.

    Be Gentle

    Be careful with your teeth and remember that they are not to be used as tools. If you are having trouble opening a package, do not use your teeth to open it. If you can’t get a bottle open, do not use your teeth to open it. Save your teeth the torture and find a knife or bottle opener.


    Food oriented holidays such as Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Christmas keep us tempted with yummy treats. Try to remember that everything should be taken in moderation. Moderation when eating and drinking, paired with routinely oral care, will keep you on the right track. Regular dental visits are essential to a healthy smile. To book your dental checkup after the holidays, give us a call!


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