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    Sensitive Teeth

    December 2, 2019
    5 years ago

    Sensitive teeth is not fun to deal with and can make it difficult for you to eat and drink. When you have sensitive teeth, you can experience sharp tooth pain that is sudden and temporary. The pain typically occurs when your teeth are exposed to hot, cold, acidic or sweet foods and drinks. If you are suffering from sensitive teeth continue to read on for some solutions when dealing with sensitivity.

    tooth pain

    First, here are a few reasons why your teeth may be sensitive. If you have recently had your teeth whitened this could be the cause of your sensitivity. Most people want to whiten their teeth so they can remove stains to achieve a brighter whiter smile. Many people don’t realize when they whiten their teeth this can be the cause of their tooth sensitivity. The main ingredient in many teeth whitening treatments is peroxide which can irritate the tooth nerve.
    Another reason for sensitive teeth can be from brushing your teeth too hard. By brushing too hard you can wear down your tooth enamel which will cause the dentin to become unprotected. Brushing too hard can also make your gums recess and the roots exposed. This is why our dentists recommend that you use soft-bristles when you brush.

    Not flossing at least once a day can cause your teeth to become sensitive as well. Just like brushing twice a day you also need to floss once a day. This prevents any plaque buildup on your teeth which will reduce your chances of gum disease, tooth sensitivity and receding gums.

    Most people grind and clench their teeth during the day or while they sleep. This is mostly caused by stress related issues that you’re dealing with in your every day life. You may not even know you’re grinding or clenching your teeth at night, but if you’re waking up with a sore jaw or headache chances are you are grinding and clenching. By grinding or clenching you are wearing down your teeth which can even cause them to chip or crack. This also causes damage to your tooth’s enamel which will make your teeth more sensitive to hot, cold, sweet and acidic foods and drinks.

    Your diet can also play a big role in your tooth sensitivity. If you are a regular acidic drink and food consumer this can cause your enamel to wear down. This will increase your chances of tooth sensitivity. Now to the best part, solutions to tooth sensitivity. Chances are if you’re reading this then you have sensitive teeth. Here are some solutions to help you out with any discomfort.

    Our dentists might recommend dental sealants as one of the solutions to your sensitive teeth. Dental sealants are a thin resin coating that your dentist can paint onto your teeth to help with your sensitivity. Remember that it’s important to know that dental sealants are a temporary solution for your sensitive teeth and will wear off eventually.

    If you are a grinder or clincher this solution is for you. A night guard will protect your teeth from grinding and clenching against each other and will reduce your tooth sensitivity. Not only will a night guard reduce your tooth sensitivity it will also decrease any headaches or jaw pain you are experiencing when you wake up.

    Another option our dentist and hygienist might recommend for you is a fluoride varnish. This fluoride varnish or gel is extremely concentrated fluoride. We will apply this to your teeth to help reduce any pain or discomfort from your sensitivity and it can also help to strengthen the enamel of your teeth.
    If your teeth are sensitive because the roots are exposed then our dentists might recommend using a bonding agent to cover the roots surface. For this type of sensitivity our dentist will apply the bonding agent over the exposed part of the root to cover the exposure and to help reduce any pain.

    If all of the above options do not work for you then our dentists might recommend that you need a root canal. During your root canal our dentists will remove the soft nerve tissues inside your tooth that’s causing your pain. Now that you know some of the common causes and solutions for treating tooth sensitivity it’s important to talk to your dentist about any concerns you may be dealing with so they can address the problem before it worsens. Give us a call today to schedule a free new patient consultation and let us help you get out of any pain 215-568-6222. Send us an email at info@phillydentistry.com or if you want to send us a message on social media feel free as well @PhillyDentistry thanks for reading!

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