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    Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    October 14, 2019
    5 years ago

    October is the month for pink! During the month of October, you will notice everywhere someone is wearing pink whether it be a football player or even a politician, pink is the color for breast cancer awareness during the whole month of October. It all started in 1985 when it was founded that October will be the designated month to increase awareness about this terrible deadly disease. You’re probably wondering how good oral hygiene can help reduce your chances of getting breast cancer. Good oral health matters to your overall health.


    Studies have shown that there is a link between breast cancer and your dental health. In fact, someone who has poor oral hygiene or gum disease is eleven more times likely to develop breast cancer! The good news is that you have total control of your oral health habits. With great oral hygiene routines, you and your dentist at Philly Dentistry can monitor and reduce any chances of getting periodontal disease or gum disease and any other health-related issues. Examples of great oral health routines are brushing your teeth twice a day, floss once a day and visit your dentist regularly for your cleanings and checkups.

    Luckily, this terrible disease is on the decline, it’s important to use the month of October to educate your friends and family about how they can reduce the risk of developing this awful disease. It’s important to catch this early so make sure you are being checked regularly for this because early detective could save your life.

    If you haven’t been to the dentist in a while give us a call at 215-568-6222 and schedule a free new patient consultation with one of our great doctors. Send us an email at info@phillydentistry.com or send us a message on social media @PhillyDentistry thanks for reading and don’t forget to wear pink this month!

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    or contact us today for a free consultation with Dr. Cirka, Dr. Jeon, or Dr. Ridge in our Center City, Philadelphia office.

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