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    Chipped teeth? Have No Fear, Philly Dentistry is Here

    January 2, 2019
    6 years ago

    We never want to damage our teeth on purpose, but unfortunately accidents happen. Chipping your teeth could leave you feeling embarrassed to talk, smile, and even cause you pain. The enamel on your teeth is one of the strongest materials in your body, but it does have its limits.

    Some causes of chipped teeth
    There are many ways you can chip your teeth, but here are a few of the most common causes:
    *Biting down on something hard like candy or ice.
    *Automobile accidents or falls.
    *Playing sports without wearing a protective mouth guard.
    *Grinding your teeth can cause chipping.

    When you chip your teeth there are many risks that are involved such as, tooth decay and cavities that can wear down your enamel and weaken your teeth. This will cause more teeth to chip or crack. Anytime you wear down your enamel from grinding your teeth, eating acid-producing foods like fruit juices, coffee and even spicy foods will weaken the enamel and put you at a higher risk of chipping your teeth. The enamel wears down on your teeth as you age, so it is important to make sure you go to your routine checkups every 6 months so the dentist and hygienists can let you know what to do to protect your teeth from any chips or cracks.

    veneers & whitening

    Treatment Options for Chipped Teeth
    Treatment for chipped teeth really depends on the location of the tooth. There are different options for chipped teeth and our great doctors will evaluate the problem and let you know what the best option is for your specific case.

    The first option could be tooth reattachment. This option is if the fragment of the tooth has a clean break. If so, place the tooth in a glass of milk. The calcium from the milk will help the tooth stay alive. After that, it is important that you see the dentist right away so they could cement the broken piece back onto your tooth.

    The next option for a chipped tooth is bonding. The porcelain composite is cemented onto the surface of the broken tooth and shaped to look natural. An ultraviolet light is then shined on the area to harden the material. The dentist will then again shape the material so that it fits perfectly with your other teeth to give it an all-natural look.

    Another option will be a porcelain veneer. The first step with a porcelain veneer is that the dentist will smooth down some of your tooth’s enamel making room for the porcelain veneer. Typically, the dentist will smooth away about less than a millimeter of the tooth’s enamel. Next, an impression of your tooth will be made by our excellent dental assistants and then sent over to our trusted lab so they can create an all-natural looking veneer. In the meantime, when your veneer is being made at our lab we will place a temporary veneer on. When we receive your veneer back at our office the dentist will bond it to the chipped tooth making it look like nothing ever happened. Porcelain veneers can last up to 25 years will proper care!

    Overall, chipped teeth are a very common dental injury, but in most cases, it doesn’t cause any great pain and can be easily treated at our Center City, Philadelphia office. Although, it is not considered a huge dental emergency the quicker you get treatment the less chance you may cause other dental complications. Give us a call at 215-568-6222 with all your dental needs!

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