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    Get a Hollywood Smile: You Can Have That Coveted Celeb Smile

    April 28, 2015
    9 years ago

    Sofia Vergara Hollywood smileWho hasn’t looked at an entertainment magazine and admired the gleaming, straight, perfect smiles of celebrities like Denzel Washington, Shemar Moore, Anne Hathaway, Blake Lively, Brad Pitt, Sofia Vergara, Bradley Cooper… the list is truly endless. You may think you have to be a celeb to achieve such a beautiful smile, but that’s not the case at all. With just one cosmetic dentistry procedure, you can change your smile and your life.

    What’s the magic answer, the ticket to a Hollywood smile? Sure, some of those celebs have naturally gorgeous grins, but most of them have a great cosmetic dentist who fitted them with natural-looking porcelain veneers.

    Get fuller lips with porcelain veneers >>

    What’s Great About Porcelain Veneers?

    A very thin covering that’s permanently attached to the front of the tooth, a porcelain veneer is often used to correct gaps and spacing between teeth. Veneers, many people are delighted to discover, are also responsible for lengthening and shaping teeth. So anyone with the unfortunate DNA draw of short teeth or misshapen teeth can remake their entire appearance with porcelain veneers.

    You won’t have to worry that you’re walking around with a smile that looks like every other porcelain veneer recipient either. Your porcelain veneers are made specifically for you – they’re customized to match your other teeth, the shape of your mouth, your skin tone. They are just right for you and you alone.

    7 ways a good smile can improve your career >>

    Why Porcelain Veneers Are a Cosmetic Dentistry Alternative

    There are cases when people may try other dentistry treatments before exploring the option of porcelain veneers.

    Professional teeth whitening is an amazing procedure and, for many people, it’s all they need to erase stains or discoloration. Unfortunately, significant antibiotic staining, years of smoking, or other factors can cause tooth stains that are only possible to eliminate completely by covering them up – and that can happen with porcelain veneers (or Cerinate Lumineers, if you’re looking for a gentler alternative).

    Then there are cases in which people do everything they can to straighten their teeth, but for some reason the orthodontia doesn’t work. This could happen because of user error – neglecting to wear your retainers or Invisalign trays as directed and therefore stalling or ruining your treatment. Some people have very serious bite or dental issues that make it difficult for straightening to conquer completely. And, for others, they just don’t want orthodontia and prefer a cosmetic dentistry solution for straightening their teeth. Porcelain veneer treatment, compared to braces, is fast – it takes typically two visits to complete your smile makeover as opposed to months or even years of treatment, and you end up with a permanent straight smile.

    Don’t Delay – Your Hollywood Star Awaits

    If you’re unhappy with the size, shape, or color of your teeth, it’s time to explore the life-changing option of porcelain veneers. You don’t have to be a celebrity to deserve or achieve a beautiful perfect smile. Your smile makeover will make you feel like a superstar and, for our patients, that’s more than enough to satisfy them.

    Contact Philadelphia Dentistry to schedule your free consultation with Dr. Ken Cirka to learn more about porcelain veneers and discuss your smile makeover options.

    This video features a Philadelphia Dentistry patient who, start to finish, got her porcelain veneers, new smile, and fresh launch into life in only three weeks and two visits to Dr. Cirka.

    Try us out at no risk by scheduling your FREE first visit!

    or contact us today for a free consultation with Dr. Cirka, Dr. Jeon, or Dr. Ridge in our Center City, Philadelphia office.

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