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    4 Ways Invisalign Gives You More Than Just Straight Teeth

    August 18, 2014
    10 years ago

    Straight Teeth Better Oral HealthStraight teeth are, of course, the biggest result of wearing Invisalign. But there are plenty of other advantages to wearing these invisible trays and aligning your smile. You might be surprised to find out how Invisalign can improve your overall health and lifestyle too.

    1. Improved Oral Health

    As teeth straighten out, it is easier to clean them, to reach every nook and cranny with dental floss and toothbrush. The result is healthier gums and a reduced risk of developing gum disease or cavities. Invisalign also makes it possible to maintain good oral health in general because, unlike traditional braces that require some serious effort to clean every day, Invisalign can simply be removed for regular brushing and flossing. And when you keep up with your twice-yearly dental cleanings, your oral health is sure to be the best it’s ever been.

    2. Better Digestion

    When your teeth aren’t straight, your digestive system has to work much harder to break down food into manageable pieces. If your teeth are aligned, then they’re able to do their job properly, taking stress off the digestive system and minimizing the likelihood of developing problems like indigestion or ulcers that can come from a stressed digestive system. In addition, because Invisalign is removable, there are no excuses about not being able to keep up with a balanced diet. The diet restrictions that are in place for wearers of traditional braces who have to worry about doing damage to brackets and wires do not extend to Invisalign wearers.

    Celebrity Smiles: 7 Stars Who Have Worn Invisalign >>

    3. Improved Speech

    People with straight teeth actually have greater clarity of speech. When the parts of your mouth and jaw are in proper alignment and working together in harmony, clear speech is achieved. To form words or sing, there are unique combinations of movements which the tongue, teeth, and palette dance together. Misaligned teeth mean the tongue has a more difficult time forming words properly. Many people worry that wearing invisible aligners constantly will affect their speech, but this is untrue. Once your mouth is used to the sensation of Invisalign – which is actually very comfortable and hardly noticeable – your speech will not be affected in any negative way.

    4. Greater Confidence

    The reality is this: If you’re proud of your appearance, your confidence will shoot through the roof. So many people suffer with the embarrassment of a misaligned smile when the solution is really so very easy. Adults don’t have to worry about having “metal mouth” with the revolutionary Invisalign. Your confidence in yourself and in your smile will be noticeable to others, giving you otherwise unlikely advantages in your career and social life. Your quality of life will be improved. That’s a giant benefit – perhaps the very biggest benefit of Invisalign.

    Don’t spend one more day with misaligned teeth. Make your appointment for a consultation with Dr. Ken Cirka at Philadelphia Dentistry to find out if you’re a candidate for Invisalign braces.

    Try us out at no risk by scheduling your FREE first visit!

    or contact us today for a free consultation with Dr. Cirka, Dr. Jeon, or Dr. Ridge in our Center City, Philadelphia office.

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