Philadelphia Dentistry
Drs. Cirka, Jeon & Ridge
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    You NEED Your Spring Cleaning!

    March 13, 2013
    12 years ago

    Sure, having your teeth cleaned is just that – cleaning your teeth – but do you know how it can benefit your life and health even further?  If fresh breath and squeaky clean teeth isn’t motivation enough for you to regularly see the dentist and hygienist, here are a few more reasons to pull out your schedule and call us up:


    • Poor oral hygiene has been linked to heart attack, heart disease, and stroke and it has been shown that regular visits reduce your chances of these.
    • Dr. Cirka does an oral cancer screening at each check-up exam to ensure that you are not one of 35,000 people diagnosed each year in the US.
    • One out of three people you meet will have some form of gum disease, from gingivitis to periodontal disease, which could require surgery if left untreated.  Your recall appointments prevent gum disease from affecting you.
    • …Advanced periodontal (gum) disease also leads to tooth loss.  Wouldn’t you like to keep your teeth?  Implants can be expensive!
    • Catch problems while they are minor with a full exam at each visit.  This means placing sealants on teeth that are susceptible to cavities before they require fillings (1/3 of the cost) or catching a tooth when it can still be treated with a root canal instead of being removed.
    • Your hygienist if your friend!  Are you falling off the flossing bandwagon?  He or she can help you maintain your own mouth by pointing out differences in oral hygiene from visit to visit.  Work as a team to keep your homecare in check.
    • Let’s face it, stains happen.  While brushing, flossing, and rinsing your own mouth is beneficial, there’s no stain-removal like that which comes from a professional polishing.

    We are here to help you.  We schedule your 6 month appointments at each visit to make sure you stay on track.  Call us at 215-568-6222 and take the first step to becoming an oral hygiene lifer!

    Try us out at no risk by scheduling your FREE first visit!

    or contact us today for a free consultation with Dr. Cirka, Dr. Jeon, or Dr. Ridge in our Center City, Philadelphia office.

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