Looking for a convenient way to protect your oral health in addition to brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash? Clinical studies have shown that 20 minutes of chewing sugarless gum following a meal can help prevent tooth decay.
The Scoop on Sugarless Gum
Sugar-free gum increases the flow of saliva – the most important natural defense against tooth decay – which washes away debris and food, thereby helping to prevent cavities. Chewing sugarless gum also neutralizes the plaque acids produced by bacteria in your mouth. And, finally, sugarless gum can strengthen tooth enamel thanks to the increased saliva flow which carries more calcium and phosphate.
Addicted to Gum?
While chewing gum in general does stimulate beneficial saliva production, chewing gum with sugar is also doing you the “favor” of giving your teeth a sugar bath. If you’re partial to the super-sweet flavors, it would be wise to alter your gum diet.
It’s recommended that you only chew gum with the ADA Seal of approval. These products are sweetened by non-cavity causing sweeteners like xylitol, sorbitol, or aspartame and have met the ADA criteria for safety and effectiveness. And remember: Chewing sugarless gum is not a substitute for preventive dental care and brushing and flossing. It’s still crucial to brush at least twice a day and floss daily.
When Chewing Gum Doesn’t Seem Possible
Loose teeth? Missing teeth? Unstable dentures? Metal braces? There are certain oral health circumstances that can certainly prevent you from chewing gum. It may be time to discover a cosmetic dentistry solution to your dental woes.
If your teeth are loose and their position in your mouth is so tentative that you worry about eating let alone chewing gum, you may be experiencing a symptom of gum disease. It’s necessary to get professional treatment for periodontal problems to ensure that your oral health is restored. Missing teeth and unstable dentures can be replaced by secure dental implants. And the popular alternative to metal mouth is invisible braces which give you the freedom to eat and chew as you choose.
It’s time to talk teeth – so schedule your consultation with Dr. Ken Cirka at his Philadelphia dental office to determine your oral health solution.