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    Has Your Smile Made You a Wallflower?

    September 20, 2012
    12 years ago

    You don’t have to sit on the sidelines at social events, work gatherings, or the latest family get-together. If embarrassment about your smile is preventing you from mixing, mingling, and enjoying yourself, it’s time to make a change.

    Some people are mortified at the very thought of having onion or garlic breath after a zesty, savory meal. Multiply that feeling exponentially for people who are ashamed of their smiles every minute of every day. That sensitivity is enough to turn anyone into a wallflower.

    Every Smile is Different

    When is the last time you truly laughed loudly and wholeheartedly with your mouth open wide? Do you smile a tight-lipped grin in photos? Do you often cover your mouth with your hand to hide what’s going on inside?

    People who are defeated by their smiles have different reasons for these feelings. Some people have an underbite or overbite and long for a smile that isn’t noticeably out of whack. There are those with crooked teeth who wish they had listened to their parents and gotten those braces back in high school. And still more people experience the pain of gum disease and decay that is also causing them to lose teeth and deal with a truly broken-down smile.

    Smile Solutions for the Shy

    The good news is that whatever condition your oral health is currently in, there is help for your circumstances. Wallflowers can rejoice in the knowledge that dental repairs don’t have to be obvious, public, or take forever to complete.

    Get that straight smile on the sly with comfortable, invisible braces that give you the freedom to go aligner-free when absolutely necessary. You can gradually change the shape of your smile privately.

    It’s also possible to work on tooth whitening in the comfort of your own home with professional, customize, tray bleaching kits. But you can also opt for a speedy one-hour, in-office whitening treatment.

    If you’re suffering with gum disease, there isn’t much you can do on your own to resolve this issue. You need the help of a modern dentist and hygienist to carry out the clean-up of your oral health in the dentist’s office. For very severe cases, a visit to a periodontist – a dentist specializing in gum disease – may be necessary.

    The bottom line is this: If your teeth and smile are the only things holding you back from everything you want to accomplish or participate in, visit Dr. Ken Cirka at his Philadelphia dental office and say goodbye to your wallflower days. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.

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    or contact us today for a free consultation with Dr. Cirka, Dr. Jeon, or Dr. Ridge in our Center City, Philadelphia office.

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