Invisalign Treatment in Philadelphia

Affordable, comfortable and fast teeth straightening

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a simple, quick method of straightening teeth without the time and embarrassment of old-fashioned metal braces. Invisalign is the invisible form of braces that allows you to improve the appearance of your crooked teeth, crowded teeth, or teeth with gaps, quickly and efficiently. More information about Invisalign (PDF). We have extensive experience with Invisalign:

  • Preferred Invisalign Provider since 2003
  • Dr. Cirka has 750+ completed Invisalign Treatments
  • Most completed treatments in Philly as a General Dentist
  • Start treatment with us SAME DAY!
  • 1,000+ online reviews with a 4.8 rating
  • Philadelphia Magazine Top Dentist 2021
  • Free bleaching gel after treatment
  • All-inclusive pricing, no surprise fees
  • Save THOUSANDS with our Invisalign Price Drop!
  • Dentist to Philadelphia Eagles, Flyers, and Phillies Players
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Health problems of badly positioned teeth:

  1. Crooked teeth trap more food and bacteria.
  2. Flossing is more difficult.
  3. With crooked teeth, you will have more cavities.
  4. Patients have more gum disease, bleeding, and infection.
  5. Patients lose teeth at a younger age.
  6. Teeth wear unevenly, chip, crack, and break.
  7. Patients grind their teeth at night due to a poor bite, causing sensitivity and sore muscles.
  8. More dental work and more visits to the dentist result in a higher lifetime cost.

Ten health and appearance benefits of Invisalign:

  1. Straight teeth are easy to clean: Brushing at home is more efficient, easier, and quicker. The toothbrush is much more efficient at removing food when the teeth are straight.
  2. Flossing is easier: Sliding dental floss between straight teeth is quick, painless, and easy!
  3. Better dental cleanings: Your next check-up at the dentist will involve less scraping and less discomfort, and the cleaning will be quicker.
  4. Fewer cavities: Straight teeth have fewer hiding places for bacteria and food. Since it is easier to clean, there are fewer cavities.
  5. Healthier gums: Healthy gums don’t bleed. Straight teeth maintain health for a longer period of time than crooked teeth. Straight teeth=healthy gums.
  6. It’s “Invisible”: Invisalign “invisible braces” are made of clear plastic aligners so they’re not as noticeable as metal braces. Most people won’t even know you’re wearing them, so you won’t feel self-conscious about wearing braces.
  7. It’s Comfortable: The use of plastic aligners offer a smooth surface that is gentle in your mouth.
  8. It’s Removable: You can take them out to eat or brush your teeth, and then put them back in again. You’ll have more flexibility in your daily life with invisible braces.
  9. It’s Affordable: Invisible braces cost less than traditional metal braces. Plus, our easy financing options make them affordable.
  10. It’s Fast!: In most cases, your treatment time is less than that of traditional braces. This means your teeth will straighten up quicker so you can stop wearing your braces sooner!

How Invisalign “Invisible Braces” Work:

Speed: iTero Element Intraoral Scanner

We now scan Invisalign patients right in our office with our on-site iTero Scanner. The iTero Element Scanner takes state-of-the-art digital impressions that remove the need for messy putty in your mouth to take a physical impression. Our iTero Scanner digitally captures a detailed 3D model of your teeth and gums. We then instantly send your digital impression to the Invisalign lab for immediate processing. You can see a 3D version of your new smile in minutes. By scanning on site we can start your treatment 2-3 weeks faster than other Philadelphia dentists. The benefits include:

itero invisalign machine
  • No goop or gagging
  • Fast & accurate impression
  • Ideal for crowns, bridges, implants, and Invisalign® clear aligners and retainers
  • Start your treatment 2-3 weeks faster
  • See a simulation of your potential Invisalign treatment outcome

Cost of Invisalign:

Most people are unaware that there are currently four levels of Invisalign offered. The level of Invisalign depends on how severe the crowding or spacing is with the teeth. We offer a free consultation to provide accurate treatment time and the corresponding cost.

Because of our experience level and the number of Invisalign patients that we have treated over the years, we charge about $1,500-$2,000 less than what most orthodontist specialists charge. This is the exact same Invisalign that they provide.

Other dental offices may lure you in with a low price, then add on an additional fee for each retainer, the records that are sent to the lab, a photography fee, an impression fee, and any additional trays that you need to wear. In our office, you will know the exact cost before anything is done. This is ALL-INCLUSIVE. There are no other charges to you.

We do have monthly payment plans through a financing company called Care Credit to make it affordable and easy. This is an easy way to have straight teeth without having to put up a large sum of money. We have affordable, monthly payment options that fit nearly every budget. Your credit history does not need to be perfect to be approved for this program. We can discuss this more with you in our office when you visit for your free consultation.

Be careful of an office that advertises Invisalign for a low fee, then after adding on all the visit charges, retainers, etc., the fee is much higher. When choosing your office to do Invisalign, remember that experience matters. In our office, we can do your treatment more quickly and with better results because we are a Premier Gold Provider with extensive experience. We are one of only two general dentist offices in the Philadelphia area with this level of experience.

More Information About Invisalign Braces

How Does Invisalign Work?
Learn how these invisible aligners straighten your teeth.

Invisalign 101
Introduction to the basics of these clear, nearly invisible teeth aligners.

5 Reasons to Choose Invisible Braces
Find out the advantages of nearly invisible braces to align your teeth.

Are You a Candidate for Invisalign?
Most adults and teens are candidates for Invisalign braces to straighten their teeth. Learn what problems Invisalign can correct in your smile.

Invisalign Braces FAQ
Get direct answers to frequently asked questions about Invisalign.

Invisalign by the Numbers
What to expect numbers-wise for your Invisalign treatment.

Invisalign Gold Provider
Dr. Cirka is one of the few dentists that has achieved gold provider status with Invisalign.

Invisalign for Adults
It is not too late to straighten your teeth. Invisalign has transformed the orthodontic options for adults.

More about How Much Invisalign Braces Cost
More information about how much Invisalign braces cost in Philadelphia.

Invisalign vs. Metal Braces
Explore the differences between traditional metal braces and Invisalign braces

Invisalign vs. Smile Direct Club
Find out the differences between Invisalign and Smile Direct Club braces.

Invisalign Time Commitment
Learn how long it takes for Invisalign treatment.

What patients are saying about Invisalign

"No one even knew I was wearing them until I removed them"

- C.B.

"The friendly staff at Dr. Cirka’s office made each of my Invisalign visits efficient-I was in and out FAST with no problems at each visit"

- M.F.

"I did not wear my retainer after my braces were off. My teeth became more crowded. Invisalign was easy-I should have done this years ago!"

- J.C.

Call us today to get the healthy, beautiful smile that you’ve always wanted. Never underestimate the power of a great smile. Straight teeth are not only beautiful, they also promote your good health. Straight teeth are healthy teeth  (215) 568-6222.

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Office Hours

Monday - Thursday: 8AM to 5PM
Fridays: 8AM -1PM

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